The UNCITRAL Model Law and the 1988 Spanish Arbitration Act: Models for Reform in Central America - Vol. 1 No. 2 ARIA 1990

Alejandro M. Garro
Page Count: 
68 pages
Media Description: 
1 PDF from "The American Review of International Arbitration (ARIA)"
June, 1990
Author Detail: 

Alejandro M. Garro, Lecturer in Law, Columbia University; Associate Research Scholar, Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. This paper was submitted to the conferences on commercial arbitration organized by the American Bar Association in San Salvador (December 7-12, 1987). San Jose de Costa Rica (February 29 - March 4, 1988), Tegucigalpa (March 7-11, 1988), and Guatemala (March 14-18, 1988).
