Yun Zhao

Faculty of Law
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Associate Professor, School of Law, City Universityof Hong Kong (2002-2008); Researcher, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2000-2002)
Elected Member, International Institute of Space Law; Honorary Member, Hong Kong Construction Arbitration Center; Founding Council Member, Hong Kong Internet Forum; Member, Asia Pacific Law Association; Member, Beijing International Law Society
Hong Kong International Arbitration Center; Guangzhou Arbitration Commission; South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
5 as party-appointed arbitrator at Hong Kong International Arbitration Center and Guangzhou Arbitration Commission; more than 200 as panelist for domain name disputes of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center, and Hong Kong International Arbitration Center
Dispute Resolution in Electronic Commerce (The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 2005); Cyber Law in Hong Kong (The Netherlands: Kluwer, 2011); The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Civil Aviation Ordinance (Cap 448) (Hong Kong: LexisNexis, 2008); 调解实务与技能 (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2011);电子商务自由化与法律(Beijing: Peking University Press, 2005); 外空商业化和外空法的新发展 (Beijing: China Intellectual Property Rights Press, 2008); numerous articles on international arbitration, mediation, space law, e-commerce, and international trade law