William W. Russell

811 Main Street, Suite 1700
Houston, TX 77002
Adjunct professor, International Commercial Arbitration, University of Houston Law Center (2018- present); Schirrmeister Diaz-Arrastia Brem, LLP; King & Spalding; Bracewell & Patterson; Beirne, Maynard & Parsons (merger Sartwelle & Radelat).
Houston Bar Association, International Law Section (past chair); Institute for Transnational Arbitration (Advisory Committee); Asociación Latinoamericana de Arbitraje; International Bar Association; Houston International Arbitration Club (founding member).
AAA Roster of Neutrals, AAA Roster of Neutrals, Energy Panel; ICDR Roster of Neutrals.
Co-arbitrator under AAA Commercial Rules regarding termination of U.S. petro-chemical plant operating agreement; Co-arbitrator in appeal of consumer commercial dispute under the AAA Commercial Rules; service as counsel in countless international arbitrations since 1999 before ICDR, ICC, LCIA, AAA, ICSID, and others. Example subject matters: oil & gas disputes, Farm in/out agreements, plant explosions, operating agreements, supply agreements, construction, commercial disputes, investor-state claims, government contracting, and others.
“Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects: The Impact of Cross-Border Insolvency on International Arbitration,” Reed Smith Client Newsletter, International Arbitration Focus: Latin America - Part 1, Fall 2020; The Rule of Law in a Diverse World, St. Bar Tx. Int’l Law Sec., 11/8/12; Litigo y Arbitraje en Los Estados Unidos, Seminario Internacional: Requisitos y Procedimientos Para Exportar Productos Frescos A USA, Lima, Perú, 7/14/10 (Spanish); Los Honorarios del Abogado en el Arbitraje Internacional, El Mudo del Abogado, Año 13, Núm. 134, 6/10; Comó Se Cobra un Arbitraje Internacional, El Mudo del Abogado, Año 13, Núm. 136, 8/10; Alternative Fee Structures in International Arbitration, ITA News and Notes, Vol. 23(2) (Spring 2009); Litigios y Arbitrajes USA-America Latina, presentación de EuraAudit en Maracay, Venezuela, 7/11/2008 (Spanish); Ejercicio de la Abogaciá en el Arbitraje — Argumentación Escrita y Oral, presentación de CANACO y ICDR en México D.F., 6/26/08 (Spanish); Alternative Fee Structures in International Arbitration, presented in: Remedies in Commercial, Investment and Energy Arbitrations, Perm. Ct. Arb, H.I.A.C, and U. of Tx.; 4/17–18/08; Aspectos Importantes de la ley de EE.UU. Sobre Arbitraje Internacional, La Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, México, D.F., 8/07. (Spanish); Evident Partiality: An Evident Quagmire for Corporate Employees Serving as Arbitrators, ITA News and Notes, Vol. 21(4) (Autumn 2007); Alternative Fee Structures in International Arbitration: Legal, Ethical, and Practical Considerations, HIAC, Houston, 1/15/07;“Drafting Arbitration Clauses,” Corporate Counsel Section, HBA, 5/5/03; “International Arbitration,” High Technology Litigation seminar, St. Bar Tx., 2/20-21/03; “International Commercial Arbitration” K&S e-seminar, 1/14/03; Survey of Arbitration Awards Under Chapter 11 of NAFTA, 19(6) J. Int. Arb. 505 (December 2002); Doing Business in Texas: Alternate Dispute Resolution, / Cómo Hacer Negocios en Texas: Métodos Alternativos de Resolución de Conflictos, (Larry B. Pascal ed., Int’l Law Sec., St. Bar Tx. 2002) (English/Spanish).