William Leung

1101, Beautiful Group Tower
77 Connaught Road Central
Hong Kong
Articleship with Isadore Goldman, a top City of London firm specializing in insolvency (corporate); recovery; commercial and international litigation, 1986 – 1988; Assistant Solicitor with Wilkinson & Grist, a local solicitor firm, 1989; Founder of William Leung & Co., Solicitors of Hong Kong SAR, China, 1992 – now; Official Liquidators of more than 100 companies in Hong Kong, 2003 – now; Arbitrator of over 30 cases involving institutional arbitration rules, for example, ICC; HKIAC; SIAC; LMAA; CIETAC; CMAC; SCIA; … and UNCITRAL Rules.
International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France, Member of Task Force on “Revisions of ICC Rules of Arbitration” and “Arbitration involving states or state entities”, 2009 to present; Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, Fellow (FHKSI), December, 2014; Hong Kong Institute of Director, Fellow (FHKIoD), May, 2016.
HKIAC, Panels of Arbitrators, 2015 to present; SIAC, Secondary Panel of Arbitrators, 2008 to present; CIETAC and CMAC, 2008 to present; China Academy of Arbitration Law, Standing Committee, 2009 to present; London Maritime Arbitrators Association, Supporting Member, 2010 to present; Hong Kong Shipowners Association, Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group Member, 2010 to present; International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France, Member of ICC Commission on Arbitration, 2011 to present; Institute Members, 2013; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators East Asia Branch, Editorial Board Member on “Asian Dispute Review”, 2011 to present; China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, 2011 to present; Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration, Panel of Maritime Arbitrator, 2011 to present; Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre, 2012 to present; Singapore International Arbitration Centre, 2013 to present; Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, 2013 to present; WIPO, 2015 to present.
Arbitrator dealing with arbitration Rules of LMAA, UNCITRAL and HKIAC; and advocate and solicitor dealing with arbitration Rules of LMAA, CIETAC, CMAC, ICC, UNCITRAL, HKIAC and SIAC.
-Select Bibliography- “Misdelivery In The Absence Of Original Bills And Exemption Clauses” (U.S.A.) The Arbitrator – Society Of Maritime Arbitrations, Inc. Volume 34 Number 1 Page 6 to 9; “Investigating Misdelivery” (U.K.) P&I International Volume 16 Issue 12 Page 5 (ISBN 0950 4044); “論偽造提單交貨,無單交貨及其免責(“Misdelivery in the absence of Original Bills and Exemption Clauses”)” China Maritime Law Association Newsletter (中國海商法協會通訊) (2003/1) Page 18 to Page 24 March 2003; “Dual Role Of Freight Forwarder In Misdelivery Of Cargo: Contracting In The Capacity As Both Agent And Principal?” (Italian) I1 Diritto Marittimo pp. 918-920 (ISBN 0012-348x), 2006; “The Dual Role Of The Freight Forwarder: Vastfame Camera Ltd. v. Birkart Globistics Ltd., 2005 High Court of Hong Kong 117, Stone J, 5 October 2005; 2005AMC 2864 (High Court of Hong Kong, 2005)” (U.S.A.) Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce Volume 38 No. 1 Pages 97-109 (ISBN 0022-2410), January 2007; “Labour Threat in China,” (British) Maritime Risk International Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 18-20 (ISBN 1742-9404), March 2007; “Misdelivery of Cargo without Production of Original Bill of Lading: Applicability of the Mandatory Legal Regime of Hague-Visby and the One Year Time Bar” (「無單放貨:海牙威爾斯比規則和海牙規則的適用及有關的一年效期」), (U.S.A.) Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce Volume 39 No. 2, pp. 205-227 (ISBN 0022-2410), April 2008; 「貨運代理的雙重角色」, (China) 「海商法論叢2008」第 二屆兩岸三地海商法研討交流會 (中國政法大學海商法研究中心) pp. 277-87 (ISBN 978-7-5103-0022-6), December 2008; 「海牙 – 維斯比規則的一年訴訟時效是否適用無單放貨」“One-year time bar in Hague / Hague-Visby Rules: whether applicable to misdelivery of goods without production of original bill of lading?”, (China) Annual of China Maritime Law (中國海商法年刊) Page 145 to 160 (ISSN 1003-7659), January 2009; “China’s Arbitration System: Changes in Light of the CIETAC Arbitration Rules 2012 and the Civil Procedure Law 2012”, (U.K.) CIArb The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management Volume 79 No.2 Page 171 to 184 (ISSN 00037877), April 2013; “Enforcement of Arbitral Award Made by China’s Newly Proclaimed Foreign-Related Arbitration Commissions – a Tale of Two Cities”, Dispute Resolution International (International Bar Association’s official publication) Volume 7 No. 1, May 2013; “Hong Kong: Hybrid Capitalism as Catalyst” by Gordon Redding, Gilbert Wong and William Leung, The Oxford Handbook of ASIAN BUSINESS SYSTEMS, Oxford University Press, May 2014.