William D. Rogers

555 12th Street, N.W., Rm. 913
Washington, DC 20004
Senior Partner, Arnold & Porter (1953-1962, 1965-1974, 1977- ); Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (1976-1977); Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Relations (1974-1976); Deputy U.S. Coordinator, Alliance for Progress (1962-1965); Lecturer, Law Faculty, Cambridge Univ. (1982-1983)
ABA (International Law Section); ASIL (President, 1971-73; Executive Council); Americas Society, Inc. (Board of Directors); Brazil-U.S. Business Council (Executive Committee of U.S. Section); Caribbean/Latin American Action (Board of Trustees); Center for Inter-American
Relations (Board of Directors); Council on Foreign Relations (Board of Directors); Conservation International (Board of Directors)
Party-appointed arbitrator, ICSID case, re: recovery of purchase price of plant (1981-1986); Party-appointed arbitrator (1983-1985); Counsel, ICC case, re: petroleum investment agreement (1982-1989); Counsel, ICSID case, re: royalties relating to weapons manufacture (1985-1988); Partyappointed sole arbitrator, ICC case, re: international Sales agency dispute (1987- 1991); Counsel, ICC case, re: plants constructed by Swiss firm in the Middle East (1996-2000); Counsel for Argentina, ICSID case involving French BIT (1997- 2000); Party-appointed arbitrator, CPR case, re: trade association (2001-present)
The Twilight Struggle: The Alliance for Progress and U.S.-Latin American Relations (New York 1967); numerous articles in professional and popular journals.