Vojtěch Trapl

Dr. Trapl a partner advokáti s.r.o. (Ltd.)
Dvorecká 2a/1162
Praha 4 14700
Czech Republic
Senior Partner with Dr. Trapl a partner advokáti s.r.o. (Ltd.), Charles University Prague, Department of International Public Law, Professor Assistant
Czech Bar, ICC, DIS, LCIA, ASA, DAV, IAA, International Law Society, ICCA
Member VIAC, LCIA, Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic, ICAC at the UCCI Kiev, Panels ICC, ICSID Panel of Arbitrators designated by the Czech Republic
Over 621 international and domestic arbitrations as co-arbitrator, presiding arbitrator or sole Arbitrator including arbitration under the Czech Arbitration Court Rules, ICC Rules, VIAC Rules, ICAC Rules, CIETAC Rules, DIS Rules, ad hoc arbitrations (over 35 cases under Czech Arbitration Act), Co-Arbitrator in ad hoc UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules cases: Austrian Airlines v Slovak Republic, Final Award on Jurisdiction (October 9, 2009) and Albert Jan Oostergetel, Theodora Laurentius v Slovak Republic, Final Award (23 April 2012) (no public). Panelist ADR for .eu and .cz domain name disputes in 15 cases. Counsel in arbitrations.
Significance of the Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (1965) from the aspect of state responsibility (Charles University, 2007), International Commercial Arbitration – Arbitration in Czech Republic and in EU (actual stage), Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Iuridica 1/2008, Draft Articles on Most-favoured-nation Clause as a result of the codification work by International Law Commission, Praha 2009, Jurisdiction of Arbitral tribunal under the Austrian-Czech arbitration clause and Most-Favored –Nation (MFN) clause Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, Prague 2011, (p.217), The current status of protection scope, outlook on the future, Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference 2011, Prague, 2011