Vincenzo Spandri

1, Via Michele Barozzi
Milan 20122
From 1993 to 1997 with Carnelutti; In 1998 with Bonelli & Associati; From 1999 with Bonelli Erede Pappalardo
Member of the International Arbitration Institute.
Arbitrator: Party-appointed arbitrator in several domestic ad hoc arbitrations in matter of engineering and construction contracts. Counsel [note: the following list is limited to recent cases with aggregate value exceeding US$ 20.000.000]: ICSID Arbitrations – Acting on behalf of a joint venture between leading European investors in an arbitration against Pakistan relating to a contract for the construction of a major hydroelectric plant and associated works; Acting on behalf of two Italian investors in an arbitration against Morocco relating to motorway construction; Acting on behalf of a joint venture between leading Italian investors in an arbitration against the United Arab Emirates relating to major public works in Abu Dhabi. ICC Arbitrations – Acting on behalf an Italian company controlled by the leading Italian producer and provider of electricity against a Venezuelan State-owned company in an arbitration relating to a contract for the supply of energy sources for power generation; Acting on behalf of a joint venture between eight leading European and South African companies in an arbitration relating to the construction of an hydroelectric plant in Lesotho intended to serve South Africa; Acting on behalf of a leading U.S.A. telecommunication group in an arbitration relating to a service contract to develop the digital terrestrial television in Italy; Acting on behalf of a leading Italian company in two arbitrations against Ethiopia, one relating to a road construction contract and the other relating to the construction of a hydroelectric plant serving the city of Addis Ababa; Acting on behalf of a leading Italian company in an arbitration relating to the construction of the port of Zanzibar (Tanzania) funded by the European Development Fund; Acting on behalf of a leading Italian company in arbitrations relating to five road construction contracts in Romania; Acting on behalf of an Italian-German joint venture in an arbitration relating to the construction of a hydroelectric plant in the Republic of Guinea; Acting on behalf of a leading Italian company in an
arbitration relating to the construction of the major hydroelectric plant in the in the Kingdom of Nepal and to the overcoming of the host State’s measures to frustrate the arbitration; Acting on behalf of an German joint venture in an arbitration relating to the construction of a hydroelectric plant in the Kingdom of Nepal. Other International Arbitrations – Acting on behalf of a Chinese State entity in an arbitration under the aegis of the Arbitral Chamber of Stockholm relating to the construction of an industrial plant in China; Acting on behalf of a, Italian-Indian joint venture in an international arbitration relating to a contract to build an hydroelectric plant in India; Acting on behalf of two Italian
construction companies in an UNCITRAL arbitration against a Republic of Uganda State entity relating to the building of an industrial plant financed by the World Bank; Acting on behalf of an Italian company in an arbitration against a Tunisian State-owned company in matter of a contract for drilling works relating to the construction of a hydroelectric plant in Tunisia. Domestic Arbitrations – Acting on behalf of a consortium of Italian companies in an arbitration under the aegis of the Arbitral Chamber of Milan relating to the construction of a paper
mill in Italy; Acting on behalf of one of the Italian general contractors which design and build the high-speed railroad system in Italy in arbitral and judicial proceedings before the Italian Courts against its contractors and sub-contractors; Acting on behalf of a leading Italian company in an ad hoc arbitration relating to a subcontract to build a water purification plant in Libya; Acting on behalf of a leading Italian company in an ad hoc arbitration relating to a subcontract to build a galvanizing plant in Russia. Domestic judicial proceedings relating to
arbitration – Acting on behalf of Italian and foreign companies and joint ventures in judicial proceedings before the Italian Courts to restrain payment of first-demand bank guarantees issued in relation to international construction contracts.