Thierry Bernard

156 bd Haussmann
PARIS 75008
associate in lawfirm of Jean Robert, 1978-1983; associate in lawfirm Surrey & Morse (Washington-USA), lawfirm Holtzmann (New York-USA) and American Arbitration Associate (New York-USA) 1984; partner in lawfirm Robert-Moreau-Bernard, 1984-2000; Bernards, founder and managing partner, 2001.
ICC, AFA, Cepani, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (former General Secretary); Cercle des Stratèges Disparus (President); Association for the CHEDE formers auditors (former President); AIJA, Arbitration commission of the young lawyers international Association (former President).
arbitrator to the French Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the French Arbitration Association (AFA) and the Belgium Arbitration Center (Cepani).
several arbitrations as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator, counsel, ad-hoc and institutional arbitration, mediator to the Mediation Automobile Center.
publications in the “Revue de l'Arbitrage” published by the “Comité Français de l'Arbitrage” (CFA) ; Transnational Litigation - A Practitioner’s Guide, Oceana Publications, Inc – 2003 ; Evidence in international arbitration proceedings, collective book, Ed. Graham et Trotman – 1994 ; L'arbitrage, droit interne et droit international, collection “Ce qu'il faut savoir”, Ed. Delmas Masson – 1993.