Tai-Heng Cheng

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
51 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10010 USA
Vanderbilt Law School: Visiting Professor, 2010; New York Law School: Professor of Law (with tenure); Co-Director, Institute for Global Law, Justice & Policy 2006-2012; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP: Associate, 2003-2006.
College of Commercial Arbitrators: Fellow (2014-present); American Society of International Law: Counsellor (2016-present), Executive Council (2010-2013), Chair Awards Committee (2011), Co-chair Annual Meeting (2011), Chair Awards Committee (2011); American Law Institute: Elected Member (2009-present), Members Consultative Committee on Restatement on International Commercial Arbitration (2009-present), Members Consultative Committee on Principles of World Trade Organization Law (2009-present); American Bar Association: Steering Committee: Arbitration (2012-present), International Law Section (2009-present); American Bar Foundation: Fellow (2011-present); ICC Task Force on the Revision of ICC as Appointing Authority in UNCITRAL or other Ad Hoc Proceedings: 2015-present; Institute for Global Law, Justice, & Policy: Co-chair, Advisory Council (2014-present); Institute for Transnational Arbitration: Executive Committee (2011), Co-chair, Dallas Meeting (2011), Academic Council (2008-present); Oxford University Press – Editorial Advisory Board for Investment Claims: Board Member (2017-present); Foreign Policy Association: Honorary Fellow (2007-present); New York State Bar Association: Special Counsel, Special Committee on Legal Competency (2005-2010); New York City Bar Association: International Law Committee (2003-2006), UN Committee (2003-2006), Committee on International Dispute Resolution (2006-2009, 2013-2016); International Arbitration Club of New York: Founding Member (2010-present).
Panel of Neutrals at: Pacific International Arbitration Centre (PIAC), 2016-present; Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA), 2013-present; Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA), 2012-present; American Arbitration Association (AAA), 2012-present; Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), 2012-present; International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), 2009-present; Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), 2009-present; The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR), 2009-2016.
Chair of a $150mm. ICC international arbitration concerning a resort in Mexico, with 12 parallel litigations and arbitrations in the United States and Mexico. Chair of a CPR arbitration tribunal in an $8bn. dispute between defense contractors concerning military aircraft intellectual property (wrote and issued the award within 9 months from appointment and 1 month from the submission of post hearing briefs). Emergency arbitrator in an ICDR arbitration, rendering a decision in 14 days that lead to a swift resolution of the dispute. Chair of a $50mm. HKIAC international arbitration in an investment dispute between 24 Chinese and Hong Kong entities, in proceedings in English and Mandarin. Co-arbitrator in a $50mm. ICC arbitration between a Chinese company and a Canadian company in an aviation dispute. The decision was nominated for most important decision at the 2016 GAR Awards because of its message that Chinese companies would not be discriminated against in arbitrations in the United States. Represented a pharmaceutical company in a $1bn. arbitration dispute concerning a drug to treat diabetes, achieving a swift and favorable settlement. Represented an Indian cotton company in a $300mm. ICDR arbitration concerning antitrust claims in the U.S. Represented a U.S. energy company in a $1bn. arbitration dispute against a Brazil oil company. Represented Renova against SunEdison and TerraForm Global in a power project arbitration and related bankruptcy, recovering over $100mm. in cash. Represented Indian real estate company and Indian nationals against a JP Morgan subsidiary in opposing confirmation of a $70mm. LCIA arbitration award, successfully defeating attachment and discovery, and ultimately dismissing the petition with prejudice on jurisdictional grounds. Represented an Albanian company against Albania in a $400mm. Energy Charter Treaty arbitration concerning a hydroelectric power project. Represented a natural gas company in a $600mm. UNCITRAL arbitration against Pakistan concerning a gas investment.
Tai-Heng Cheng is the author of over 60 books and articles, including: International Arbitration in the United States (Kluwer Law International, forthcoming, 2017) (co-editor); When International Law Works (Oxford University Press, 2012); State Succession and Commercial Obligations (BRILL, 2006) (cited as authoritative by US courts); State Incapacity and Sovereign Immunity in International Arbitration, Singapore Academy of Law Journal, Special Issue on Arbitration (2014).