Sumeet Kachwaha

1/6, Shanti Niketan
New Delhi 110021
Junior Associate, JB Dadachanji & Co. 1979 - 1982; Chamber Junior to Mr. Kapil Sibal (then Solicitor General of India) 1982 - 1983; 1983 onwards, independent practice as counsel. Founded Kachwaha and Partners in 2002.
Member, Advisory Board, Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA); Vice President, Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group (APRAG); Former Chair, Inter Pacific Bar Association (2008-2011), Co-Vice Chair of International Construction Projects Sub Committee, IBA; Membership: Supreme Court Bar Association; Swiss Arbitration Association; International Arbitration Club (UK); The London Court of International Arbitration; Fellow, Singapore Institute of Arbitrators.
SIAC; KLRCA; HKIAC; Singapore Institute of Arbitrators; Indian Council of Arbitration, Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration.
Appointed in 5 arbitrations as sole arbitrator by the Delhi High Court and International Arbitration Centre (attached to the Delhi High Court) in domestic arbitrations. In the past appointed as party appointed arbitrator in a Singapore seated arbitration under the SIAC Rules and Swiss governing law (dispute between an Indian and German Company) and in another matter under the HKIAC Rules. Acted as counsel, chiefly in the field of construction, shipping, international trade, JV disputes, failure of technology disputes etc.
Interim Relief: Comments on the UNCITRAL Amendments and the Indian Perspective; published by TDM 2 (2012) in CILS – 7th Biennial Symposium on International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution; “Airport Projects in India: Cleared for take-off"; Construction Law International Journal, Volume 3 Number 1 (March 2008); Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in India; Asian International Arbitration Journal, (2008) Volume 4, Number 1, [Pages 64-82];The Indian Arbitration Law: Towards a New Jurisprudence; Sweet & Maxwell: The International Arbitration Law Review, (2007) Int A.L.R. 13;Risk Allocation - Green Field Airports in India - The Big Project - (Dubai) (2007); Arbitration Law of India – A Critical Analysis; published by Kluwer: Asia International Arbitrational Journal, Volume 1, Number 2, [Pages 105-126] 2005;Contributing to Annual India Country Reports on Legal Rights of Borrowers & Lenders for the World Bank since 2005.