Steven A. Hammond

Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
One Battery Park Plaza
New York, NY 10004
Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP (1985–present)
Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators; Union Internationale des Avocats (Past President); International Bar Association; American Bar Association; The Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Past Chairman, Task Force on International Legal Services;
ICC, AAA, ICDR, CPR’s International Panel of Distinguished Neutrals, LCIA
Chairman and party-nominated arbitrator in various ICSID, ICC, ICDR, IACAC, UNCITRAL and ad hoc proceedings, as well as counsel in more than thirty arbitration proceedings or arbitration-related disputes
Spoliation in International Arbitration: Is it Time to Reconsider the ‘Dirty Wars’ of the International Arbitral Process?, 3(1) DISP. RESOL. INT’L 5 (2009); Making the Case in International Arbitration: A Common Law Orientation to the Marshalling and Presentation of Evidence, 16 REVISTA DE ARBITRAGEN E MEDIAÇÃO 171 (2008); The Art of the Missed Opportunity—How U.S. Courts Declined to Assist Private Arbitral Tribunals under the U.S. Law Authorizing Discovery in Aid of Foreign and International Proceedings, 17 J. INT’L ARB. 131 (2000); (with Charles Platto) United States Pretrial Procedures in PRE-TRIAL AND PREHEARING PROCEDURES WORLDWIDE 226 (Graham & Trotman 1990); together with numerous conference papers presented at International Bar Association, Union Internationale des Avocats, and ACCA.