Stephen R. Morrison

Bay Adelaide Centre
Suite 900
333 Bay Street
Toronto M5H 2T4
Barrister (1978-81); President, The Rose Corporation 1982-1998; Partner, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, 1999-2014.
Law Society of Upper Canada; Canadian Bar Association; Ontario Bar Association; Toronto Lawyers Association; Advocates’ Society; ADR Institute of Canada; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society (Executive Committee Member).
Arbitration Place; Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society; ADR Institute of Canada (C. Arb & C. Med); Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Fellow).
Numerous complex construction project disputes involving commercial, governmental, power generation, and infrastructure projects; Condominium disputes; Commercial leasing disputes.
The ABCs of ADR: A Guide for the Perplexed (available for download on my website Resources page); Numerous articles on mediation and arbitration (several of which are available for download on my website Resources page).