Sigvard Jarvin

20, rue des Pyramides
75001 Paris
In-house counsel in two multinational groups; General Counsel of the ICC International Court of Arbitration 1982–87; Member of the ICC Court 1989–1995; General Editor, Stockholm International Arbitration Review, 1997–2007; practicing lawyer and arbitrator in Sweden and France since 40 years; vice-chair of the ICC ADR Centre.
ICC, SCC (Stockholm), VIAC (Vienna), CRCICA (Cairo), CIETAC, Moscow, Kyrgyz Republic, LCIA, ICDR and AAA.
Counsel or arbitrator in approximately 240 international arbitrations.
Author of Compendium of International Commercial Arbitration Forms, with Corinne Nguyen, Wolters Kluwer, 2017, 612 pages; Books Guide to arbitration and related services offered by the ICC (1983); Commercial Arbitration Law in Asia and the Pacific, Oceana/ICC Publishing S.A., Paris, 1987, with K. Simmonds and B. Hill; Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 1974-1985, Kluwer/ICC Publishing S.A., Paris, 1990, with Y. Derains; Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 1986-1990, Kluwer/ICC Publishing S.A., Paris, 1994, with Y. Derains and J.J. Arnaldez; Internationella handelskammarens skiljedomsregler, 2:a uppl., Norstedts, Stockholm, 2001, with Lars Hjerner and Hans Bagner; The Arbitration Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce, in Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration, C.H. Beck–Djøf, Munich and Copenhagen, 2002, with Michael Bühler; SCC Arbitral Awards 1999–2003, JurisNet LLC, New York, 2006 (editor), with Annette Magnusson; International Arbitration Court Decisions, JurisNet LLC, New York, 2006 (editor), with Annette Magnusson; Chronicles in Journal du Droit International (Paris), Chronique des sentences arbitrales de la CCI; The arbitration chapter in LAMY–Contrats Internationaux (Paris), since 1991; Articles and case notes in the following periodicals: Arab Law Quarterly; Arbitration International; Droit et Pratique du Commerce International; The ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin; International Business Lawyer (IBA); The International Construction Law Review; International Consulting Engineer (FIDIC); Journal of International Arbitration; Juridisk Tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet; Mealey’s International Arbitration Report; Middle East Executive Report; Recht und Praxis der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (RPS); Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft; Revue de l’arbitrage; Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales; Svensk Juristtidning; Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland.