Shuichi Kashiwagi

Kashiwagi Sogo Law Offices
Atago Toyo Bldg.
1-3-4 Atago Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-002, Japan
1980-1982 legal intern, Mitsu & Co. Europe Ltd. (London); 1983-1984 Associate, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom (NY)
Member, Daini-Toyko Bar Association; Federation of Japan Bar Association; Associate member, American Bar Association
Arbitration Center for Industrial Property in Japan; Arbitration Center of the Daini-Tokyo Bar Association, Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA), Tokyo Maritime Arbitration Commission of Japan Shipping Exchange Inc. (TOMAC)
Acted as arbitrator of construction, intellectual property, international trading, product liability, professional liability, and real estate investment cases; sole arbitrator (3214 cases), the Arbitration Center of the Daini-Tokyo Bar Association; panel arbitrator (12 cases), ICC, JCAA and TOMAC; represented both domestic and overseas clients in international construction arbitration cases involving foreign governmental interests under the rules of ICC, LCIA and JCAA both in London and Tokyo (104 cases)
Co-author, Doing Business in Japan (Japan Legal Publishers, 1990),
Co-author, Guide Notes on ENAA Model Forms of Int'l Construction Contract (IBL Journal, Vol. 16, No.1, 1988),
Author, Introduction to "The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (India)- A Commentary" (JCAA Journal No.495, 1998),
Author, Introduction of Court-Annexed ADR in the U.S. ("Rule of Law" vol.117, Japan Bar Association, 2000),
Co-author, Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration and Mediation (Juris Publishing, Inc. , 2002)
Co-author, World Arbitration Laws (Bessatsu NBL No.78, IBL, 2003),
Co-author, Dispute Resolutions in Global Business Transaction (Dobunkan Shuppan, 2006).