Sanghyun Song
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-742
Visiting Professor, Univ. of Melbourne Law School (1990, 1992, 1994); Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School (1991, 1993. 1995); Inge Rennert Distinguished Professor of Law, Global Law Faculty, New York Univ. (1994- ); Advisory Committee Member to the Prime Minister on
Clean Government, Korea (1989-1993); Advisory Committee Member to the Chief Justice, Korea (1979- ); Subcommittee Chairman, the Judicial Reform (1993-1994); Board Member, The Korea Stock Exchange (1988-1994); Chairman, The Advisory Committee to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (1997- ); Member, Board of Directors, The UNICEF Korea (1998- )
President, Korean Intellectual Property Research Society, Inc. (1986-1996); President, Korean International Trade Law Assn. (1991-1994); Chairman, The Semiconductor Layout Design Conciliation & Deliberation Committee, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (1994- )
Korean Commercial Arbitration Board; ICSID; WIPO Arbitration Consultative Commission
15 Korean arbitration cases (party-appointed, disputes of international nature); 2 cases under the ICC rules as party-appointed arbitrator
New Trends in the Corporation Law (Seoul, 1982); Introduction to the Law and Legal System of Korea (English, Seoul 1983); An Introduction to Law and Economics (Seoul 1983); The Commentaries on the Korean Computer Program Protection Law (Seoul 1989); The Korean Civil Procedure (Seoul 1997); The Basic Text on Maritime Law in Korea (Seoul 1993) Korean Law in the Global Economy (English, Seoul 1996).