Salah Hejailan

The Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan
P.O. Box 1454
Riyadh 11431
Saudi Arabia
Chairman, Arbitration Board of the Euro-Arab Arbitration System, London; Legal Advisor to the Council of Ministers, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1962-1973); Counsel to Bribery and Forgery Committees of the Board of Grievances, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1963-1972); Member, Board of
Directors, Ports Authority (1976-1987); Legal Consultant, Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (1963-1986).
Council member, Centre for Islamic & Middle East Law (CIMEL), University of London; Arab Arbitration Group of ICC; Director, Cairo Regional Center for Commercial Arbitration; Arbitration Council, Arab- Swiss Chamber of Commerce; Arbitration Consultative Commission; WIPO; and
Executive Committee member, Dubai International Arbitration Centre.
Euro-Arab Arbitration System; ICC International Court of Arbitration; Cairo Regional Center for Commercial Arbitration; Arbitration Council,
Arab-Swiss Chamber of Commerce; WIPO; and Dubai International Arbitration Centre.
Numerous appointments as arbitrator. Numerous representations as counsel.
Contributed to the report on Saudi Arabia, 9 Y.B. Comm. Arb. 7 (1984).