Sakari Sorri

Borenius & Kemppinen
Yrjönkatu 13 A
SF-00120 Helsinki
Partner, Borenius & Kemppinen (1988-); Associate, Nenonen & Rantasila (1983-1988); Chief Officer, Office of Competition Ombudsman (1981-1983); Acting Judge, Janakkala Circuit Court (1980-1981)
Member, Finnish Legal Society; Finnish-American Society; Finnish Bar Association; IBA; Alumni Assoc. of the Southwestern Legal Foundation Committee: Subcommittee on Publications and Current Developments; Country Chair for Finland, Dallas, TX; Integrated Advisory
Group IAG International, Utrecht, Netherlands
Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Houston, TX
Counsel in 2 several arbitrations; Sole arbitrator in dispute between two athletic teams concerning a key baseball player (1986- 1987); Assistant counsel in preliminary hearings of an ICC arbitration (1985) Publications: The Commercial Laws of Finland (Dobbs Ferry, NY 1986);
Products Liability (Dobbs Ferry, NY 1986)
The Commercial Laws of Finland (Dobbs Ferry, NY 1986); Products Liability (Dobbs Ferry, NY 1986).