Rupert V. P. Reece

Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.
26 Cours Albert 1er
Paris 75008
Chambers of Benjamin Browne QC, 2 Temple Gardens, London 1992-1995
Fellow Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Member LCIA; Member IAI
London Metal Exchange
Counsel to party in dispute relating to sale of shares in special purpose vehicle for aircraft ownership and management (ICC arbitration, Paris, English law) (ongoing); Co-arbitrator in dispute relating to parent company guarantee of obligations arising out of telecomms privatization in Bulgaria ICC arbitration, Sofia) (ongoing); Counsel to contractor in dispute relating to contract for construction of a power plant in the Maldives (ad hoc arbitration, Copenhagen) (ongoing); Counsel to agent in dispute relating to award of construction contract for refinery in Saudi Arabia (LCIA arbitration, London) (ongoing); Counsel to owner in expert adjudication proceedings relating to contract for construction of combined cycle power plant in France (ICC ADR Rules, Paris); Co-arbitrator in dispute relating to contract for construction of a motorway in Bulgaria (ICC arbitration, Sofia) (ongoing); Coarbitrator in dispute relating to privatisation in telecomms industry (ICC
arbitration, Sofia) (ongoing); Sole arbitrator in dispute relating to international sale of goods (ICC arbitration, Paris) (2010); Counsel to party in joint venture dispute relating to nuclear industry (ICC arbitration, Geneva) (ongoing); Sole arbitrator in dispute relating to international sale of goods (ICC arbitration, London) (2007); Counsel to party in petroleum joint venture in dispute with coshareholder (ICC arbitration, Paris) (2009); Counsel to insurance company in dispute with joint venture partner (ICC arbitration, Geneva) (mediation, 2007); Counsel to insurers in subrogation action against contractor on turnkey contract for delivery in orbit of telecommunications satellite (ICC arbitration, Paris) (2008); Counsel to joint venture partner and asset purchaser in arbitration and litigation proceedings against recalcitrant seller (ICC arbitration, London) (mediation 2005); Counsel to bank in claim for breach of warranty on purchase of subsidiary (ICC arbitration, London) (2006); Counsel to manufacturer in defense of claim from distributor relating to wrongful termination of distribution agreement (ICC arbitration, Paris) (2004); Counsel to distribution joint venture partner in claim against manufacturer for wrongful termination of the joint
venture (ICC arbitration, Zurich) (2003); Counsel to distributor in defense of claim by manufacturer for breach of non-competition clause (ICC arbitration, Paris) (1999).
“Nuclear projects in the 21st Century” (International Business Law Journal N°4, 2009); “Anti-Suit Injunctions and Arbitration Proceedings” Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, August 2006, Vol. 72, No.3,
p.207; “Cetelem v Roust Holding and the court’s powers to support arbitration” The Lawyer 24 October 2005; “Interpretation clauses in international contracts” 55e Séminaire de la Commision Droit et Vie des Affaires; “The Electricity Market in France” (Global Utilities Finance Report, 2003) ; “The New FIDIC Yellow Book” (International Business Law Journal N°7, 2000); The new FIDIC EPC BOT contract” (Project Finance International, Issue 180, 1999); “Independent Power Projects in the PRC - The shape of things to come” (Asia Law, China 1997, Legal and Commercial Yearbook); “Laibin B pilot sets the way for future Chinese power deals” (Project Finance International Yearbook 1997); “BOT Project Financing in the People’s Republic of China - Legal and regulatory aspects” (GBAktuell September 1996); “Conditions of Contract for
Design-Build and Turnkey” (International Business Law Journal N°3, 1996).