Rolf Knieper

1, rue St.Michel, Hameau de Ferrière
St. Andeux 21530
Professor of Law; Legal Advisor to the government of the Central African Republic (1981-1988); Head of a Legal and Judicial reform project in transformation States in the Caucasus and Central Asia financed by the German government (1994-2005)
Member of “Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit”
ICSID; Kazakh International Arbitrash
Party-Appointed Arbitrator: Ken-Ren Chemicals v. Voest Alpine (ICC) and 6 more ICC cases, 6 LCIA cases, 2 ad hoc (UNCITRAL) cases; Chairman: BIVAC v.Paraguay (ICSID) and 1 more ICSID case and 1 ICC case; Member of ICSID Annulment Committee: AES v. Hungary and 2 more cases; Expert witness: Itera v. Georgia (ICAC (Moscow) and ICSID) and two ICC cases.
⎯Select Listing⎯
- Gesetz und Geschichte (1996)
- Rechtsreformen entlang der Seidenstraße (2006)
- Eine ökonomische Theorie des Notariats (2010)
- The Not-So-Silky Road to Commercial Arbitration in Post-Soviet Countries, in: G. Aksen et al. (eds), Liber Amicorum Robert Briner (2005)
- L’Arbitrage des Différends Relatifs aux Investissements en Afrique: L’OHADA et le CIRDI, in: E. Geimer/R.A. Schütze (eds.), Recht ohne Grenzen, Festschrift Kaissis, (2012)