Mayer Gabay

14 Jabotinsky Street
Jerusalem 92142
Commissioner of the Civil Service, Israel (1987-1993); Director-General, Ministry of Justice (1976-1987); Deputy Attorney General for Economic and Commercial Legal Issues (1973-1976); Commissioner of Patents, Trade Marks and Copyright, Israel (1969-1973); Chief, Investment Unit, Fiscal & Financial Branch, UN Secretariat, New York (1963-1969).
Deputy President, International Law Assoc., Israel Branch; Chairman of the Council, International Assoc. of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists; President, Israel United Nations Assoc.; Member of AIPPI and ALAI; President, World Jurist Assoc., Israeli branch.
Israel Chamber of Commerce, Arbitration Facility; ICSID; WIPO, Member of the Consultative Council on Arbitration.
Arbitrator in many disputes between government agencies in Israel; Counsel on major arbitrations with international oil companies.
United States and the Berne Convention, U.S. Copyright Society Publication (1979); articles published by WIPO publications on copyright and industrial property, patents and trade mark decisions published in Hebrew and partly translated into English (1969-1976).