Roland Ziadé

25 rue de Marignan
France 75008
Cleary Gottlieb, New York, Paris and Abu Dhabi (2002-2013), Stibbe (now Latham & Watkins), Paris (1998-2001); Fady Ziadé Law firm, Beirut (1996-1998).
ICC International Court of Arbitration, ICC Commission on Arbitration, Several ICC Commission Task Forces, includingon the Revision of the ICC Rules of Arbitration and on Arbitration Involving States or State Entities), Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy (FIAA) Executive Committee, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA) Executive Committee; International Arbitration Institute (IAI); Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA); London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA); Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF); International Bar Association (IBA); Paris Bar Association; Beirut Bar Association, Harvard Club of France Executive Committee.
Numerous arbitral institutions. French National Committee to the ICC; U.S. National Committee to the ICC; Lebanese National Committee to the ICC.
Chairman, Co-arbitrator and Sole arbitrator in approximately 50 cases (ICC, LCIA, ICSID, SCC, LCIA-DIFC, DIAC, Swiss Rules, AFA, CRCICA, and ad hoc, including UNCITRAL); Counsel in over 90 cases (ICC, AAA, LCIA, SCC, ICSID, PCA and ad hoc, including UNCITRAL): Represented private corporations (from the United-States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East) and States (Republic of Congo, Russian Federation, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Gabon). Cases involving investments, international sales, agency and distributorship, joint ventures, oil and gas, mining, healthcare, construction and turn key projects, mergers and acquisitions, governed by international law and/or various national laws (including the laws of France, Austria, Switzerland, England, Congo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Gabon, Chad, Djibouti, Russia, India, Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, and several States of the United-States).
• "Développement de l’arbitrage et Afrique : quelles tendances?," Option Dr. & aff, 6 Dec. 2017 (with C. Fouchard)
• "Deux innovations pour l’arbitrage CCI : un renforcement de la transparence et de l’efficacité," La Semaine Juridique (Edition Générale), No.5, 1 Feb. 2016, at 201
• "Arbitration in France," in Arbitration World 2015 (K. Nairn and P. Neneghan eds., Sweet & Maxwell, 2015) (with P. Peterson)
• "International Arbitration in France," in International Commercial Arbitration (Beck/S. Balthasar Edition, 2015) (with S. Balthasar) 353
• "Structuring and Restructuring of Investment in Investment Treaty Arbitration," in Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers (A.W. Rovine ed., Brill, 2015) (with L. Melchionda) 370
• "Proactivité et diversité dans la conduite de l’audience : mega 'hot tubbing' ou quand le Tribunal mène la danse," in Stories from the Hearing Room: Experience from Arbitral Practice - Essays in Honour of Michael E. Schneider (B. Ehle and D. Baizeau eds., Wolters Kluwer, 2015) 243
• "United Arab Emirates," in Enforcement of Treaty Arbitration Awards: A Global Guide (J. Fouret ed., Global Law and Business 2015) (with R. Kovacs) 469
• "La confidentialité dans la procédure arbitrale," 2014(3) Rev. arb. 593 (with O. Caprasse)
• "L'approbation de la sentence par la Cour : une spécificité et un attrait de l'arbitrage CCI," in Concerto arbitral en trois mouvements pour Pierre Tercier (L. Hammoud, C. von Wunschheim, M.N. Zen-Ruffinen eds., Schultess, 2013)85
• "L'arbitrage dans les investissements internationaux," 10 Rev. dr. & aff. / Bus. L. Rev. 102 (2012)
• "Commentary on the 26 November 2009 decision of the Paris Court of Appeal," 2(4) Int'l J. Arab Arb. 131 (2011) (with C.H. Taffin)
• "Mesures conservatoires (tribunal arbitral et tribunal étatique)," in La procédure arbitrale relative aux investissements internationaux : aspects récents (C. Leben ed., L.G.D.J., 2010) 189
• "Fact Witnesses in International Arbitration," 2010(2) Int'l Bus. L.J. / Rev. dr. aff. int. 115
• "How Bilateral Investment Treaties Can Protect Foreign Investors in the Arab World or Arab Investors Abroad," 25(2) J. Int’l Arb. (2008)(with R. Greig and C. Annacker)257
• "Comparaison entre les trois principaux règlements d'arbitrages: CIRDI, CNUDCI et CCI," in Rev. dr. & aff./ Bus. & L. Rev. 21 (2008)
• "Les exigences en matière de traduction des sentences arbitrales: perspectives de droit comparé," Note following the March 18, 2004 decision of the Paris Court of Appeals, 2004(4) Rev. arb. 917 (with J.Y. Garaud)