Robert P. Umbricht

Umbricht Rechtsanwaelte
Bahnhofstrasse 22
P.O.Box 2957
8022 Zurich
Practicing attorney since 1966; Established own law firm in 1970
Zurich an Swiss Bar Assoc.; IBA; Swiss and International Fiscal Assoc.; Société Suisse des Juristes; Société Suisse de Droit International; Swiss National Committee of ICC; ILA; ASA
Chairman, sole arbitrator and party-appointed, as well as attorney for parties in numerous arbitration proceedings since mid-seventies
Die immanenten Schranken der Rechtswahl im internationalen Schuldvertragsrecht, Zurich 1963; Abriss des Schweizerischen Internationalen Privatrechtes der Produktehaftpflicht, in: Schweizerische Versicherungs-Zeitschrift, Bern 1989; Switzerland’s Federal Code on Private International Law, Lausanne 1989; The Direct Federal Tax Law, Zurich 1993; Switzerland’s Stock Exchange Law, Zurich 1998.