Robert Layton

Layton Law Office LLP
37 Old Asylum Road
Lakeville, CT 06039-2514
Faculty Member, Stanford Law School, 1957-58; Attorney-Advisor, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. (1958-1961); Partner, private law practice, (1961-present); New York Office Litigation Group Head, Jones Day Reavis & Pogue (1986-
1992); Sr.-Partner Layton Brooks & Hecht, NYC (1992-2002); present firm since 2002.
International Arbitration Institute, Paris; US National Panel of the ICC (1987- 1991); Intl. Panel of the ICDR, Am.Arb.Assoc.; Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators; Smit’s Roster of International Arbitrators.
Chairman, ICC arbitration in Sea Land Transportation, Inc. v. Sea Land of Puerto Rico, Inc. (claim of wrongful termination of distributorship agreement-1989); President of ad hoc international tribunal re $2 billion dispute between New Zealand Transmission Co. and Alcatel, 1994; party appointed arbitrator in ICC “fast track” construction dispute between Korean Construction Corporation and California Energy Corp. re Phillipine power transmission line project, 1997; appointed arbitrator jointly by Bechtel Enterprises and General Electric Co. in AAA Intl. Centre for Dispute Resolution political risk insurance claim against OPIC arising out of Enron’s Dahbol, India power plant, award (Sept. 2003) reported at 2294171_1.pdf; Arbitrator appointed by the Perm. Ct. of Arbit., The Hague, in an investment dispute by TMB, a Malaysian Govt. investor against the Govt. of Ghana, 2005; party arbitrator in AES v. El Paso, ICC 13194/KGA/CCO arising out of an investment in Dominican Republic, 2006, and in Sempra Energy v. Natl. Union Ins. Co., an ad hoc political risk insurance claim arising out of investment in Argentina, 2006.
“The Dilemma of the World Court”, 12 Stanford L. Rev. 323(1960); “The Effect of Measures Short of War on Treaties”, 30 Univ. Chicago L. Rev. 96 (1962); “Arbitration in International Commercial Agreements”, 9 Intl.
Lwyer 741 (1975); “Alternative Dispute Resolution in Latin America”, J. Int’l Arb. June 1992.