Robert H. Smit

425 Lexington Ave.
New York, New York
Adjunct Professor, Columbia Law School; Co-Editor-in-Chief, American Review of International Arbitration
Frequent arbitrator and counsel service
“Courts and the Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal: A Comparative Analysis of Standards of Arbitrator Independence and Impartiality,” in Forum Shopping in the International Commercial Arbitration Context, 235 (Seller European Law Publishers 2013); “Thoughts on Arbitrator Selection: Why My Father Was (Usually) a Good Choice,” 23(3-4) American Review of International Arbitration (2012); “Cost Awards in International Commercial Arbitration: Proposed Guidelines for Promoting Time and Cost Efficiency,” 20(3) American Review of International Arbitration 267 (2010); “E-Disclosure in International Arbitration,” 24(1) Arbitrational International 105 (2008); “Towards Greater Efficiency in Document Production before Arbitral Tribunals—A North American Viewpoint,” in Document Production in International Arbitration, 2006 Special Supplement ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin; “Mandatory ICC Arbitration Rules,” in International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution, 845 (2005); “The Expropriation of the Dabhol Power Project,” 19(2) Mealey’s Int’l Arb. Rep. 42 (2004); “Separability and Kompetenz-Kompetenz in International Arbitration: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit? Or Can Something Indeed Come from Nothing?,” 13 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 19 (2002); “Andersen v. Andersen: The Claimants’ Perspective,” 10(4) Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 443 (1999); “An Inside View of the ICC Court,” 10 Arb. Int’l 53 (1994)