Hossein Piran

Parkweg 13
The Hague 2585JH
The Netherlands
Legal advisor, Legal Dept. of Ministry of Energy, Tehran, 1981-1983; Legal advisor, Bureau of International Legal Services, The Hague, 1984-1990; Legal advisor, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, 1992-present
Senior Legal Advisor, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Since 1992
legal Advisor, BILS the Hague, The Netherlands, 1984-1992
Legal Advisor, Iranian Ministry of Energy, 1980-1983
Tehran Regional Arbitration Centre (African-Asian Consultative Committee); Arbitration Centre of Iranian Chamber of Commerce (ICC); Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in Hague, the Netherlands
Counsel in a number of arbitrations before Iran-United States Claims Tribunal during 1980s and early 1990s (See, Iran-US C.T.R. for that period); Legal advisor on different legal proceedings before different fora in U.S. and Europe; Legal advisor to Iran-United States Claims Tribunal for 20 years.
Books: Nationalization of Foreign Property (Ph.D. Thesis), Liverpool, 1992; Foreign Investment Law (in Persian: Hoquq Sarmayegozari Beynolmelali), Tehran, 2010; Siyar, Islamic law of Nations (in Persian: Siyar Shaybani, Hoquq Ravabet Beynolmemla), Tehran, 2010; Mare Liberum (In Persian: Daryaye Azad, translation of Grotius’ The Free Sea), Tehran, 1990.
Articles: Indirect expropriation and the case law of the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, Finnish Yearbook of International Law (1995), pp. 140-274; The Case law of the Iran-US Claims Tribunal on the rule of res judicata, The Global Community Yearbook (2004), pp. 3-19; The Iran-US Claims Tribunal, 2002-2003, The Global Community Yearbook (2004), pp. 1611-1623; The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Report of its Activities in the Year 2004 : Introductory Note, The Global Community Yearbook (2005), pp. 1597-1613; Interim measures in international arbitration (in Persian: Eqdamat Movaqqat dar davari beynolmelali), Collection of essays in the book dedicated to the centennial of arbitration in Iran, Tehran ICC, 2010, pp. 242-286; Umbrella clause in bilateral investment treaties (in Persian: Sharti Eltezam), Majallah Hoquqi, Tehran, 2009, pp. 259-288; Oil and Gas Law, book review (in Persian, Hoquq Naft & Gaz), Majallah Vekalat, Tehran, 2007, pp. 9-15; Internet and International Law (in Persian: Internet va Hoquq Beynolmelal), Majallah Didgahaye Hoquqi, Tehran, 1997, pp. 127-143; Other short articles and seminar papers.