Robert H. Mnookin

Harvard Law School
416 Hauser Hall
Cambridge, MA 02138
Samuel Williston Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; Chair, Steering Committee, Program on Negotiation, Harvard University (1993- ); Adelbert H. Sweet Professor of Law, Stanford Law School (1989-1993); Director, Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation, Stanford
University (1988-1993); Professor of Law, Stanford Law School (1981-1989); Professor of Law, Boalt Law School, University of California, Berkeley (1975- 1981); Director, Childhood and Government Project Earl Warren Legal Institute University of California, Berkeley (1972-1974); Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Robertson & Falk, San Francisco, California, Associate Attorney (1970-1972), Of Counsel (1972- )
San Francisco Bar Association; California Bar Association; ABA; American Law Institute; Asia/Pacific Center for Resolution of International Business Disputes; National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Child Development Research and Public Policy (1979-1984); Executive
Council, The International Society on Family Law (1981-1985)
Center for Public Resources; AAA; ICC
Arbitrator, IBM v. Fujitsu, re: operating systems software dispute (1985- ); Mediator, Motorola v. Siemens, re: environmental dispute (1991); Mediator, Bank of America; Peat, Marwick & Mitchell and 11 International Banks, re: servicing failures connected with student loan indentures (1992); Non-binding Arbitration, Mitsubishi Corp. v. The Architect’s Collaborative (1993); Arbitrator, ICC Arbitration of conflict between U.S. and
Japanese electronic companies (1994-1995)
Author of books and numerous law review articles on dispute resolution, economics, regulation, family law, and children and the law.