Raymond Hai Ming Leung

Unit 5, 11/F, Westlands Centre
20 Westland Road, Quarry Bay
Hong Kong
Advisor to Asia Board and Executive Director, Dragages (HK) Ltd.; China Manager, Wharf China Ltd.; General Manager, Sun Hung Kai Property’s Sanfield Construction Ltd.
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, Institute of Civil Engineers, Institute of International Experts, Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Hong Kong Mediation Centre.
Arbitrator with Hong Kong, CIETAC, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Shenyang, Weihai, Huizhou, Weihai, Xinjiang, Zhuhai, Wuhan, & Harbin Arbitration Commissions, China; Advisor of Harbin Conciliation Center of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade / China Chamber of International Commerce; Conciliator of Harbin Conciliation Center of China Council for Promotion of International Trade; Mediator with Shandong Mediation Centre, China; Mediator of Hong Kong Mediation Centre, HKMAAL, and Mediation Council; Panel of Mediator of Airport Core Projects, Hong Kong; Panel of Arbitrators & General Mediator of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; Mediators of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; List of Mediators of Joint Mediation Helpline Office Limited (JMHO) - Land (Compulsory Sale For Redevelopment) Ordinance Pilot Mediation Scheme; Dispute Resolution Advisor to the HKSAR Architectural Services Dept., Hong Kong; Dispute Resolution Advisor to the HKSAR Housing Authority, Hong Kong; Expert Witness and Past Appeal Tribunal Member to the HKSAR Building Department, Hong Kong; Panel of Arbitrators of the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprise Association; Panel of Arbitrators of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators; Mediator of Shenzhen Civil & Commercial Mediation Center; Panel of Mediator and Expert Witness of Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers; Governor & Founding President of Hong Kong Mediation Centre; Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators.
As arbitrator in HKIAC, CIETAC, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Shenyang, Huizhou, Weihai, Xinjiang, Zhuhai, Wuhan, Nansha, Qingdao, & Harbin Arbitration Commissions.
Where to, Institute of International Expert, 2017; Asia Mediation Handbook, Sweet & Maxwell, 2015; Hong Kong Mediation Handbook, 2nd edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2014; Mediation Practice & Skills, Law Press China, 2014; Complicated Chinese version of Mediation Handbook, Institute of International Expert, 2012; China Arbitration Handbook, Sweet & Maxwell, August 2011; Hong Kong Mediation Handbook, Sweet & Maxwell, 2009.