Rashda Rana

Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator at St James’ Hall International (current); Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator at 39 Essex Street Chambers, based in Maxwell Chambers, Singapore (2013-2017); Barrister at Ground Floor Wentworth Chambers, Sydney (Jan 2012-end 2013) and door tenant Atkin Chambers, London (Jan 2012-Aug 2013); General Counsel, Australia, Lend Lease Project Management & Construction (formerly known as Bovis Lend Lease) (Oct 2009-Jan 2012); Holding Redlich, Partner Construction & Infrastructure Dispute Resolution (July 2008-June 2009); Barrister at 11 St James’ HaIl, Sydney (2007-June2008); Barrister at Hailsham Chambers, London (2005-2007); Barrister at Nigel Bowen Chambers (1994 -2005), Sydney; Atkin Chambers, London (Jan 1990-Dec 1992).
President ArbitralWomen; Former President (Australia Branch) CIArb Fellow CIArb; Fellow and Director ACICA; Former Treasurer Arbitral Women; Vice Chair Society of Construction Law Australia; Member LCIA; Member ICC, Australia; Member AFIA; Member IPBA; Former Adjunct Professor teaching International Arbitration (Sydney University).
Acted as arbitrator in numerous commercial, maritime, telecommunications and building disputes; Acted as counsel or appointed arbitrator in numerous oil, gas and energy matters; Acted as counsel or appointed arbitrator in numerous Mining and Water disputes; acted for major international construction companies as counsel and appointed to numerous construction disputes; acted in disputes involving franchising issues both for franchisees and franchisors as well as advising on franchising transactional documentation for major franchisors; acted in numerous matters involving banking and finance.
International Commercial Arbitration, Rana & Sanson, Thomson Reuters (2011); Mediation Techniques, IBA e-book publication (chapter on “Preparing to act as counsel in a mediation”); ADR in Asia: A Handbook for In-House Counsel (LexisNexis 2014).