Professor Christophe Seraglini

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
9, avenue de Messine
75008 Paris
From 2019: Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer;
2013-2019: Partner, betto seraglini;
2008-2012: Of-Counsel, White & Case;
2004-2008: Consultant, White & Case;
1994-2004: Associate, Lyon-Caen Fabiani Thiriez Bar of the French Supreme Courts.
Secretary General of the Arbitration Academy; French Representative in the Arbitration Law Committee of the International Law Association, Member of the International Arbitration Institute, Member of the French Committee on Private International Law, Member of the French Committee on Arbitration, Member of the Editorial board (committee) of the Cahiers de l’Arbitrage (Paris Journal of International Arbitration), Member of the international bar association.
Christophe Seraglini acts as Sole Arbitrator, Chairman, co-Arbitrator and counsel in numerous ad-hoc and ICC arbitrations.
Among others: Breach of a joint venture agreement in the Telecommunications sector (15 billion dollars, Brazilian law, ICC Paris, English language); Breach of a Production Sharing Agreement in the oil and gas production (1 billion dollars, Civil law, ICC Paris, French language); Dispute relating to the breach of a debt repayment protocol between State and a private company (750 million euros, French law, ICC Paris, French language); Arbitration relating to delays and disruptions in the construction energy sector infrastructure (30 million euros, Algerian law, ICC Paris, French language); Breach of a cooperation agreement in the Defense sector (105 million euros, French law, ICC Brussels, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Defense sector (40 million euros, English law, ICC London, English language).
“Droit de l’arbitrage”, Domat Montchrestien, Ch. Seraglini with J. Ortscheidt, 2nd ed. 2019; Chapter on “Arbitrage international”, in Traité de droit du commerce international, J. Béguin, M. Menjucq and alii., Litec, 3rd ed., 2019; “Lois de police et justice arbitrale internationale”, Dalloz, Nouvelle Bibliothèque des thèses, 2001; Co-author of the Arbitration Law Reviews of the Semaine Juridique; Member of the Editorial board (committee) of the Cahiers de l’Arbitrage (Paris Journal of International Arbitration).
Christophe is also the author of numerous articles and case note in both French and English, including: “Le Droit applicable à l’autorité de la chose jugée dans l’arbitrage”, Rev. arb. 2016, p. 51; “Most effective teaching methodologies for International Arbitration: Traditional teaching v. Experiential teaching, in The Evolution and Futur of International Arbitration”, S. Brekoulakis, J.D.M. Lew, L. Mistelis Ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2016 p. 419; “L’influence de la culture juridique sur la décision de l’arbitre”, in Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Pierre Mayer, LGDJ, 2015, p. 817; “L’arbitrage, pourquoi un tel opprobre ?”, Droit et patrimoine n°248, June 2015; “Who are the arbitrators? Myths, Reality and Challenges”, in ICCA Congress Series N°18 (Miami 2014), Kluwer, 2015, p. 589.