Paula Hodges

Herbert Smith, LLP
Exchange House
Primrose Street
London EC2A 2HS
Partner, Herbert Smith LLP
LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration) – Member of the LCIA Board; ICC London (International Chamber of Commerce) – Member; BIICL (British Institute of International Comparative Law); ASA (Association Suisse de l’arbitrage) – Member; IBA (International Bar Association) – Member; ILA (International Law Association) – Member; Energy Institute – Member
Legal 500, Chambers UK, Who’s Who Legal
Recent credentials acting as counsel on international arbitrations include advising the following clients: Advising the Department of Justice of the United States of America in various LCIA arbitrations against Canada in respect of softwood lumber imports into the US; Multinational
commodities company in various arbitrations regarding the long-term supply of coal and other minerals; A Korean industrial company in an LCIA arbitration relating to the supply of aluminum; Various multinational energy companies regarding upstream and midstream disputes relating to their oil, gas and LNG interests in Africa (including Nigeria and Egypt); An energy major in ICC arbitration concerning an LNG project in Iran; Multinational consortium in various disputes regarding pipeline project in the Caspian; Multinational drinks company in ICC arbitration regarding franchises in Algeria; RepresentingCanadian energy company in ICC arbitration regarding the purchase of oil and gas interests in Kazakhstan; US energy corporation in LCIA arbitration in a shareholder dispute regarding the application of pre-emption rights to a wind farm project in Europe; A global travel services provider in various disputes with airlines and other related entities in a number of different countries; Multinational defence company in ICC arbitration regarding a licence granted by an Italian company to manufacture naval weapons; UK energy company in shareholder dispute over construction of a LNG facility in the UK; Telecom Malaysia in expropriation claim against the Government of Ghana under bilateral investment treaty; European utilities company in dispute with generator in Spain regarding application of CO2 emissions regulations; 3 ICC appointments as sole arbitrator and 3 LCIA appointments as co-arbitrator.
“Arbitration World” 2010 – contributed ICC chapter; “The Relevance of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of Arbitration Proceedings” – International Arbitration Law Review 2007; “Liquefied Natural Gas – The Law and Business of LNG” 2006 –contributed chapter entitled “LNG – a minefield for disputes?”; “Arbitration World” 2006 – contributed ICC chapter; “PLC Legal Risk Management” 2005 –contributed chapter entitled “Minimising the risk of litigation”; “Reflections on International Law” 2004 – contributed chapter entitled “Arbitrating International Energy Disputes”.