Patrick M. Norton

Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
99 Gresham Street
London EC2V 7NG
Steptoe & Johnson, Partner, 2007–present; Managing Partner, Beijing office, O’Melveny & Myers 2002–05; Partner, Shanghai office, O’Melveny & Myers 1999–2002; Partner, Alston & Bird, Atlanta/Washington, DC 1989–1999; Assistant Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, 1983–89; Counsel, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1977–78
USCIB (ICC); HKIAC; ICDR; Malaysian Centre for International Arbitration
As arbitrator: Chair, ICC arbitration between Korean and European companies, 2009–10: investment dispute; Sole arbitrator, ICC arbitration, Beijing China, 2004: investment dispute; Sole arbitrator, ICC arbitration, Shanghai China, 2003: investment dispute; Party-appointed arbitrator, three-arbitrator tribunal, UNCITRAL Rules; Washington, DC 1999– 2001:dispute arising out of commissions from sale of Kazakh oil fields; Partyappointed arbitrator, three-arbitrator tribunal, ICC Rules, Stockholm, 1997–99: dispute over technology licenses in U.S. company’s investment in China Chair, three-arbitrator tribunal, AAA Rules, Atlanta, GA 1994–95: contract dispute over supply of armored personnel carriers from U.S. to S. American government; As counsel: approximately 25 cases under ICC, ICDR, UNCITRAL, CIETAC, LCIA, HKIAC, and SIAC Rules, all contractual 1980–2008; State Dept. attorney in charge of 130 cases between U.S. and Iranian Governments, with aggregate claims of US $30 billion, before Iran-US Claims Tribunal: 1983–84