Per O. Magid

Advokatfirmaet Jonas Bruun
Bredgade 38
1260 Copenhagen K
Partner, Advokatfirmaet Jonas Bruun (1976- ); Assistant Professor in International and EEC Law, Univ. of Copenhagen (1970-1977 and 1979); Associate, Advokatfirmaet Jonas Bruun (1974-1976); Associate, White & Case, New York (1977-1978); Assistant to Danish Government Attorney (1972-1974); Attorney, Danish Ministry of Justice (1968-1972); Secretary, Danish Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (""Ombudsman'') (1967-1968); Agent and advocate for the Danish Government in the cases before the International Court of Justice in the Hague between Denmark and Norway (1989- ) and between Finland and Denmark (1991-1992)
Danish Bar Assoc. (Member of Board 1985-1991); Copenhagen Society of Advocates (Member of Board 1985-1987); IBA
Chairman, ICC case 4176, published in 2 J. Int'l Arb. 81-86 (1985); Counsel, ICC case 4254 (1986); Arbitrator, Amco Asia et al. v Republic of Indonesia, ICSID case (ARB/81/1)
Alf Ross: Folkeret (6 ed., Copenhagen 1984) (Danish textbook on international law).