Nikolay S. Natov

6, Gabur Str., app.22
Sofia 1309
Professor of Private International Law, Sofia Univ. St Kliment Ohridski, (1996 -); Visiting Professor of Law, Tulane Law School 2001 (Fulbright grant); Visiting Professor of Law, Univ. of San Francisco Law School, 2002; Visiting Professor of Law, Univ. of Dresden, Germany (2003 – 2009); Head International Arbitration Court at the Legal Interaction Alliance, Sofia, Bulgaria (2008 - );
Head, Department of International Law and International Relations, Sofia Univ. St Kliment Ohridski; Member, International Arbitration Committee, International Law Association (ILA); Member, Executive Board, Bulgarian Association of International Law. Panels of Arbitrators: Member, ICSID Panel of Arbitrators, designated by Bulgaria
Over 20 international arbitrations as counsel, and over 10 as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman. This includes ICC, ad hoc, Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Legal Interaction Alliance. Expert witness on choice of law, applicable foreign and domestic law, arbitration law issues and transnational principles in international arbitration proceedings or enforcement actions before domestic courts.
Международно частно право, Специална част, 2 издание,
издателство Софи Р, 1996, София, България; Foreign Investments in
Bulgaria, by Kluwer Law International, 2000, The Hague, London, Boston;
Коментар на Кодекса на международното частно право, Книга първа, Член
1 – 47, издателство СИЕЛА, 2006, София, България; The Autonomy of
Arbitrators in Determining the Law Applicable to the Merits of a Case, in
No.2, 2012; numerous articles on international investment, arbitration and
Private International Law