Nancy Barbara Turck

Fulbright & Jaworski
2 St. James's Place
London SW1A 1NP
ABA; Member, International Bar Association; International Law Association; Council on Foreign Relations, The Royal Institute of International Affairs; Co-chairman, Arab Regional Forum of International Bar Association
Team of Counsel for respondent Sonatrach, Algerian state oil company, in International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration case brought by claimant Chemico, Inc., a U.S. company, relating to termination of a contract for construction of the Azrew refinery. Seat of arbitration: Paris (1980- 1982); Counsel for a Saudi registered joint venture subsidiary of a U.S. construction company in ad hoc arbitration against Arabian American Oil Company (Saudi Arabia) for numerous claims arising out of a contract for construction of an electrical grid in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Seat of arbitration: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Saudi governing law (1983-1985); Counsel for claimant Riyadh-based hotel in ad hoc arbitration against Saudi subsidiary of U.K. insurance company for non-payment of insurance claim for destruction of hotel by fire. Seat of arbitration: Riyah. Saudi governing law (1984); Co-counsel and expert witness on Saudi law for Dutch claimant in an ICC arbitration against a Korean contractor for contract claims and patent rights arising out of a construction contract in Saudi Arabia. Seat of arbitration: Zurich. Saudi and Dutch governing laws (1989-1990); Co-counsel for a South Asian government employer as respondent in three simultaneous ICC arbitrations with claims totalling $200 million. Claims, brought by a Japanese construction company, arose out of a FIDIC contract for construction of a hydro-electric plant. Settled for U.S. $3 million in May 1991. Seat of arbitration: Kathmandu (1990); Arbitrator in ICC arbitration base between a CIS state oil company (claimant) and a U.S. purchaser for non-payment of crude oil deliveries. Appointed by ICC Court of Arbitration for Respondent under Article 2(4) of the ICC Rules of Arbitration. Seat of arbitration: London, English governing law (1993-1996); Counsel for Indian exporter (respondent) in $1.8 million claim brought by BVI
registered trading company (claimant) before the London Court of International Arbitration. Seat of arbitration: London. English governing law. Settled (1996); Sole arbitrator, appointed by the ICC, in an ICC arbitration involving financial services contract between an Irish claimant and German and English respondents. Seat of arbitration: London. English governing law. (Ongoing) (1996- ); Counsel for Middle East respondent in ICC arbitration brought by U.S. claimant concerning termination provisions of distributorship arrangement. Seat of arbitration: London. English governing law. (Ongoing) (1998)
Author of numerous articles on Saudi and other Middle East laws, arbitration issues, Saudi arbitration law, U.S. anti-boycott regulations and crude oil trading.