Michael M. Ostrove

27, rue Laffitte
Paris 75009
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP NY & Paris - International Counsel; Honorable Eugene H. Nickerson - Law Clerk.
American Bar Association; Comité Français de l’Arbitrage; Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy; ICC French National Committee Arbitration Commission; Institut d’Arbitrage International; International Bar Association; Paris - The Home of International Arbitration / Paris Place d’Arbitrage; Swiss Arbitration Association.
Counsel in over 40 international arbitrations. Selected matters:
• Respondent in BSGR v. Republic of Guinea (ICSID ARB/14/22) (claim of expropriation after cancellation of rights to major mining deposit on basis of corruption);
• Respondent in Sonatrach v. Technip (ICC Case No. 20197/MCP/DDA) (termination of contract relating to Algiers refinery);
• Respondent in Arif v. Republic of Moldova (ICSID ARB/11/23) (claims of violations of France-Moldova BIT relating to duty free stores);
• Respondent in Telekom Malaysia Berhad v. Government of Ghana (UNCITRAL) (claims of violations of Malaysia-Ghana BIT relating to management of Ghana Telecom);
• Claimant in Turkcell v Islamic Republic of Iran (UNCITRAL) (claims of violations of Turkey-Iran BIT relating to tender for GSM license);
• Claimants in Lauder v. Czech Republic and CME v. Czech Republic (UNCITRAL) (claims of violations of US and Dutch - Czech BITs relating to television broadcasting rights);
• Other ICC Cases include: 10435/AER/ACS (television broadcasting services agreement); 12996/FM (consumer product manufacturing); 11365/TE (consultancy services to African State); 12436/KG (production sharing agreement in Venezuela); 14000/EBS (ownership interests in electrical power plant in Pakistan); 14636/CCO/JRF (termination of distribution agreement in clothing industry); 16510/ND (joint venture in supermarket industry in Russia); 15597/JEM (shareholders’ agreement in telecoms industry); 19328/MCP (termination of distribution agreement in Saudi Arabia); 19992/EMT (payment for products delivered in Ukraine); 20431/MCP (agreement in food services industry in Egypt);
• Numerous ad hoc and institutional arbitrations in the mining, oil & gas, telecoms, commodities and other sectors.