Matthias Scherer

35, rue de la Mairie, P.O. Box 6569
Geneva 6 1211
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Swiss National Committee); International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Internationales Schiedsgericht der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich);; Who’s Who International Arbitration (since 2005); “45 leading arbitrators under 45” (world wide peer survey by Global Arbitration Review 2006)
Aside from providing advice regarding international arbitration to numerous Swiss and foreign clients, Mr. Scherer acted in more than 100 arbitrations (ICC, LCIA, Swiss Rules, ICSID, Stockholm Chamber and others) as Counsel, Chairman, sole arbitrator, party-appointed arbitrator. The proceedings were governed by a variety of procedural and substantive laws. Vice-Chair of the IBA Arbitration Committee (2010-2012), Member of the Arbitration Committee of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce and of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (“Swiss Rules”) (2007-2010). He has authored numerous articles in the field of arbitration and is Editor of the ASA Bulletin, co-editor of the Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports and member of the Board of Editors of the International Arbitration Law Review
Full list available at Editor of the Bulletin of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA Bulletin); Co-Editor of Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports; Editorial Board of International Arbitration Law
Review (London).: “The Use of the UNIDROIT Principles in International Arbitration”, in: VOGENAUER/KLEINHEISTERKAMP, UNIDROIT Commentary, 2009; Anti-Suit and Anti-Arbitration Injunctions in International Arbitration – A Swiss Perspective (Matthias Scherer, Werner Jahnel, Int’l ALR 2009, pp. 66–73) ; “Acceleration of Arbitration Proceedings – The Swiss Way: The Expedited Procedure under the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration” (Scherer Matthias, 2005) SchiedsVZ, 2005, Vol. 3, pp. 229–237; “An Analysis of International Construction Contracts: Switzerland” (Schneider Michael E.; Scherer Matthias,2005) in: KNUTSON (ed.), FIDIC–An Analysis of International Construction Contracts, The Hague, Kluwer Law, 2005, pp. 313–342; “The Recognition of Transnational Public Policy by Courts in Arbitral Matters” (Scherer Matthias, 2005) in: SCHLAEPFER/ PINSOLLE/ DEGOS (eds), Towards A Uniform International Arbitration Law?, New York, Juris Publishing, IAI Series no. 3, 2005, pp. 91–121; “Principais características do
novo regulamento suíço sobre arbitragem” (Scherer Matthias, 2004) Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 61–89; “New Rules of International Arbitration in Switzerland” (Scherer Matthias, 2004) International Arbitration Law Review, 2004, Vol. 7, pp. 119 ss; “Place or “Seat” of Arbitration (possibility and/or sometimes necessity of its transfer?) Some Remarks on the Award in ICC Arbitration no. 10 623” (Scherer Matthias, 2003) ASA Bulletin, 2003, Vol.21, pp. 112–119; “Circumstantial Evidence in Corruption Cases Before International Arbitral Tribunals” (Scherer Matthias, 2002) International Arbitration Law Review, 2002, Vol. 5, pp. 29–40; “Three recent decisions of the Swiss Federal Tribunal regarding assignments and transfer of arbitration agreements” (Scherer Matthias, 2002) ASA Bulletin, 2002, Vol. 20, pp. 109–119; “Beweisfragen bei Korruptionsfällen vor internationalen Schiedsgerichten” (Scherer Matthias, 2001) ASA Bulletin, 2001, Vol. 19, p. 684–716; “When Should an Arbitral Tribunal Sitting in Switzerland Confronted with Parallel Litigation Abroad Stay the Arbitration?” (Scherer Matthias, 2001) ASA Bulletin, 2001, Vol. 19, pp. 451–457; “Quelques remarques à propos de l’interprétation de la clause compromissoire et de son efficacité” (SchererMatthias, 2000) ASA Bulletin, 2000, Vol. 18, pp. 350–358;