Martin E. Wiebecke

Kohlrainstrasse 10
Küsnacht/Zurich CH-8700
Private practice, since 1991 in Zurich, since 1994 in own firm; Private practice in Hamburg, 1987-1991; Law clerk, Court of Appeals Karlsruhe, 1984-1987.
ASA, DIS, LCIA, ArbAut; Zurich, Swiss and German Bar Associations, NYSBA; IBA, UIA (Chairman, International Sales Law Commission, 1998-2004).
Chairman, party-appointed and sole arbitrator as well as counsel in more than 180 international commercial arbitrations under the rules of ICC, LCIA, Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution (Swiss Rules), DIS, ICDR (AAA), VIAC Vienna, Stockholm Institute, SIAC, CAS, MKAS (Moscow), Ukrainian CC, Romanian CC, Zurich CC, Berne CC, German-Swiss CC, and other institutions; UNCITRAL and ad hoc. Has domestic arbitration experience, mediation experience and arbitration-related court practice (annulment & execution proceedings). Member of the EU Commission’s Expert Group on the Interface between the Brussels I Regulation (Regulation 44/2001) and Arbitration.
Praxishandbuch Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (co-author), Vienna 2007, second edition 2017; Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Mediation in Brasilien und Deutsch-land (ed.), Aachen 2013; articles and conference reports.