Markus H. Wanger

Landstrasse 36
Postfach 1608
FL-9490 Vaduz
Judge, Court of Administration (1989-1993);
member, Board of Examination of Liechtenstein Lawyers (1989-1993); Board of
Examination of Liechtenstein Trustees (1992- )
American Intellectual Property Law Association;
Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage; European Counsel Direct; European
Communities Trade Mark Association; Deutscher Anwalt Verein; International
Trademark Association; Licensing Executives Society; International Bar
Association; Union International des Advocats; International Tax Planning
Association; ICC Institute of International Business Law and Practice, Paris;
Association of European Trade Mark Proprietors; Honorary Member,
Association of Fellows and Scholars of the Center for International Legal
Studies, Salzburg; Institute of European Law, Univ. of Birmingham; The Forum
for Lawyers in Europe, London
The Chartered Institute of Arbitration; Court of
Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce
Party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator, chairman,
Die Stiftung im Liechtensteinischen Recht (1990); The Stiftung in Liechtenstein Law (1990); Liechtensteinisches Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsrecht mit einer Darstellung des liechtensteinischen Schiedsgerichtsverfahrens (1992); Co-author, International Execution against Judgement Debtors (London 1993); and papers published in journals.