Marc Blessing

Brandschenkestrasse 90,
CH-8027 Zürich
Chairing of arbitration cases between private parties (or private parties and States or State-controlled parties) regarding international commerce, mergers & acquisitions, EC - and US competition law, finance, joint ventures, large construction projects, oil and gas, IP matters (licences,
technology transfer, infringements).
Honorary President of ASA (past President from 1991 to 1997) Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration, and Chair of ICC Taskforce, Court Member of the LCIA (1992-2004), Member of the WIPO Arbitration Council (1994-2001), Vice-President of IFCAI (1991-2001), Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb)
ICC, LCIA, AAA, WIPO, AAA, Vienna Centre, CIETAC - Beijing, Korean Board, Hongkong Center, Stockholm Arbitration Institute, Arbitration Chambers of Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia etc. List of Chairmen, Zürich Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Chambers of Commerce Mediator (CPR Panel)
Handled some 190 international arbitration cases, whereof about 50 % as presiding arbitrator and the remaining 50 % as sole arbitrator, party – nominated arbitrator or counsel representing (mostly non- Swiss-) parties; mediated several large disputes (commercial -, industrial -, antitrust – and BIT disputes)
Introduction to International Arbitration, in: International Arbitration in Switzerland (Kluwer, 2000) Introduction to Arbitration - Swiss and International Perspectives, 1999 (320 pages) Arbitrating Antitrust and Merger Control Issues (Helbing & Lichtenhahn), 2003 (215 pages). And about 70 further publications and conference reports.