M. Idwan Ganie

Menara Imperium, 30th Floor,
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav 1
Jakarta 12980
Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Anti-Trust Lawyers (Perkumpulan Konsultan Hukum Persaingan Usaha); Member of the Asia Pacific Bar Association (IPBA); Member of the Indonesian Association of Capital Market Lawyers (HKHPM); Member of Association for International Arbitration (AIA); Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
Member of the Regional Panel of Arbitrators of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”); Chairman of the Indonesian Sports Arbitration Body (Badan Arbitrase Keolahragaan Indonesia); Fellow (FSIArb) of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SiArb); Member of the Indonesian Bar Association (PERADI); International Panel Arbitrator, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland
In a $25 million case, representing PT Aneka Intipersada, PT Ladangrumpun Suburabadi, PT Teguh Sempurna, and PT Kridatama Lancar (palm oil under Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad / Sime Darby) as the Plaintiffs against PT Adhyasa Saranamas as the Defendant, to challenge the executorial attachments over the Plaintiffs assets in several District Courts, i.e. Kotabaru District Court, Sampit District Court, and Siak Sri Indrapura District Court. This case was finally settled through a Settlement Agreement between Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad and PT Adhyasa Saranamas. (2011, Party-appointed Arbitrator)
In a USD 140 million case, representing Credit Suisse International and J.P. Morgan Europe Limited as creditors in relation to the Suspension of Debt Repayment of PT Kertas Nusantara (formerly known as PT Kiani Kertas) at the Commercial Court of Central Jakarta Indonesia. The Debtor, Kiani, was one of the biggest paper companies in Indonesia. (2011, Party-appointed Arbitrator)
Publications include a variety of Indonesian legal issues, covering mining, shipping, finance and dispute settlement. International publications include:
- Author of 'Mergers and Acquisitions Under Indonesian Law' (2001, 2008, 2009, 2012/2013), in Peter F.C. Begg (Ed.), Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers (Kluwer Law International BV, Netherlands)
- Co-author of “Verfrachterkonnossement, Reederkonnossement und Identity-of-Carrier-Klausel (Karsten Schmidt, 1980)
- Author of “Die Zeitfrachtzahlung and das Zurückziehungsrecht,” Diss. Hamburg 1982
- Co-author of the Indonesian law carriage of goods by sea law summary for Prof. Tetley’s Marine Cargo Claims, 4 Ed., 2008