Lynne Bernabei

1400 16th Street, NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
United States
Associate/Partner, Newman, Sobol, Trister & Owens, Washington, D.C., September 1985 to May 1987
General Counsel, Government Accountability Project, (formerly a project of the Institute for Policy Studies), Washington, D.C., November 1981 to August 1985
Associate, Harmon & Weiss, Washington, D.C., November 1981 to January 1983 (half-time)
Staff Attorney/Clinical Instructor, Harrison Institute for Public Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., November 1980 to October 1981
Associate, Tigar & Buffone, Washington, D.C., February 1979 to November 1980
Law Clerk, U.S. District Court Judge William B. Bryant, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., October, 1977 to November, 1978
ABA - Fellow American Law Institute;
Board of Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights under Law;
Editorial Board of the Labor Law Journal;
College of Labor and Employment Lawyers;
Trial Lawyers for Public Justice;
National Lawyers Guild
American Arbitration Association's National Roster of Neutrals
Counsel or arbitrator in 25 or more arbitrations.
Bernabei, L., et al., “Navigating the Nuances of Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Claims,” The Practical Lawyer, October 2019.
Bernabei, L., et al., ABA, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation in the Workplace: A Practical Handbook for Defense and Plaintiff. Chapter 23: “Closing Argument and Jury Instructions: Plaintiff’s Perspective” (2019).
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A.R., “The Never-Ending War on Federal Whistleblowers,” Government Executive, Feb. 12, 2016.
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A.R., “Law firms Penalizing Departing Partners? – That Goes Straight to the Penalty Box!”, The Practical Lawyer, October 2015.
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A.R., “Invasions of privacy: Congress and state legislatures are properly barring employers’ demands for social-media passwords,” National Law Journal, July 23, 2012.
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A.R., “The SEC Properly Expanded Protection for Attorney Whistleblowers,” National Law Journal, Aug. 9, 2011.
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A.R., “Protect Whistleblowers,” National Law Journal, Mar. 16, 2009, at 23.
Bernabei, L., et al., “Seven Questions for Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblowers to Ask,” The Practical Lawyer, Oct. 2007, at 57.
Bernabei, L and Kabat, A.R., “Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire:Improper Hurdles,” National Law Journal, June 11, 2007, at 23.
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A.R., “Garcetti: Nine Months Later, How Have the Federal Courts Analyzed ‘Duty Speech’ by Government Employees with First Amendment Claims?” 45 Government Employee Relations (BNA) 264-267 (Feb. 27, 2007).
Lynne Bernabei, New Age Cross Examination, in Beyond a Reasonable Doubt 205, 205-11 (Larry King ed., 2006)
Bernabei, L., “How to Listen to Your Workers,” Legal Times, March 31, 2003, at 32.
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A., “The Effect of Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation Agency Decisions on Employment Discrimination Litigation,” 3 Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 98 (Spring 2001).
Bernabei, L., “Reverse Litigation (SLAPP) Lawsuits and Employment Discrimination Law: Impermissible Retaliation Against Employees,” 2 Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 269 (Fall 2000).
Bernabei, L., “Microsoft: Separate and Unequal Treatment of Its Employees,” 2 Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 205 (Summer 2000).
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A., “How Revisions to the Federal Discovery Rules will Increase Rather than Curb Discovery Abuse,” 2 Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 101 (Winter 2000).
Bernabei, L., “Confidential Settlement Agreements and the Right to Testify,” 2 Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 81 (Winter 2000).
Bernabei, L. and Kabat, A., “Stock Options and Employment Discrimination Law,” NELA 2000 Annual Convention Manual, June 2000.
Bernabei, L., “Judicial Legislation Run Amok: Court Adopts Strict Test For Harassment Liability,” Legal Times, July 12, 1999.
Katz, D. and Bernabei, L., “Harassment vs. The Reasonable Employer,” Legal Times, July 13, 1998.
Bernabei, L., “Blow the Whistle on Secrecy Deals,” Legal Times, April 6, 1998.
Katz, D. and Bernabei, L., “Judge Needs Gag Order for Spouse: Husband’s Advice in Clinton Case Violates Judicial Ethics,” Legal Times, February 16, 1998.
Bernabei, L., “Are Employment Laws Doing Their Job?,” Book Review, The American Lawyer, September 1997.
Katz, D. and Bernabei, L., “Practicing Public Interest Law in a Private Law Firm,” 96 W. Va. L. Rev. 293 (Winter 1993-1994)
Bernabei, L., “Whistleblowers Bill: For Employees Who Speak Out, a Shield,” Legal Times, May, 2, 1988, at 16-17.
Bernabei, L., “The Case of the Co-Opted Critic: Ralph Nader and Harvard Law School,” The Washington Monthly, October, 1978.
Co-author of The High Citadel: The Influence of Harvard Law School, April, 1978.
Co-author of “Bringing the Bar to Justice, A Comparative Study of Six Bar Associations,” August, 1977. This study has been excerpted in Juris Doctor, Trial and Student Lawyer magazines.
Co-Designer of “Stopping Sexual Harassment,” a training CD-ROM, ABZ Inc., 2000.