L. Tyrone Holt

The Holt Group LLC
1675 Broadway, Suite 2100
Denver, Colorado 80202
United States of America
Associate, Holland & Hart LLP, Attorneys (1974-79); Associate/Partner, Shank, Irwin & Holmes; Shank, Irwin, Conant, Williamson & Grevelle (1979-81); Partner, Durham, Gassman & Holt (1984-84); Principal, Holt & Gebow, P.C. (1984-88); Principal, Holt & Associates, P.C. (1988-91); Principal, Bookhardt, O’Toole & Holt, P.C. (1991-92); Director, PMCA, S.A., Geneva, Switzerland (1992-94); Member and Committee Secretary, Site Selection Committee for the Headquarters (Cairo, Egypt) and Regional Branch Offices, (Harare, Zimbabwe) of The African Export Import Bank World, African Development Bank, Adijan, Cote D’Ivoire, Western Africa (1993-94); Vice President & General Counsel, CMTS, Inc. (1994-95); President, Holt Professional Corporation (1995-2000); Officer, Director and Shareholder, Ireland, Stapleton, Pryor & Pascoe, P.C. (2000-03); Managing Principal, The Holt Group LLC, f/k/a Holt & Stalder LLC, (9/2003- Present); President, Western Neutral Services, LLC (3/2005 - Present).
Mr. Holt is a Fellow and Past-President of the College of Commercial Arbitrators; a past Member of the Governing Committee of the American Bar Association Forum on Construction Law (2007-2010); a Member of the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals (Arbitration and Mediation Panels); a Member of the American Arbitration Association’s Counsel-rated Panel for Mega Construction Project Claims; a Member of the American Arbitration Association’s Master Mediator Panel – Construction (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming Region); a Member of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution for the Construction Industry Mediation and Arbitration Neutrals Panels and CPR Construction Advisory Committee; an Adjunct Professor for the University of Colorado Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Department (2017); a Member of the Dean’s Advisory Counsel for the Stanford Law School; and a Life Fellow of the American and Colorado Bar Foundations.
Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators
Certified Mediator, International Mediation Institute
Member, International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (“CPR”) Construction Industry Mediation and Arbitration Construction Neutrals Panels; and CPR Construction Advisory Committee
Member, National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals (Arbitration and Mediation Panels)
Member, AAA, Master Mediation Panel - Construction
Member, AAA, Counsel-rated Panel for Mega Construction Project Claims
Mr. Holt has been a commercial arbitrator since 1983 and has served as a commercial mediator and facilitator since 1985. He has served on the AAA Neutrals Panels for thirty years; and also provides direct neutral services on an ad hoc basis. He has worked on all kinds of commercial and construction cases including virtually all of the various procurement methods, vertical and horizontal projects; owners, general contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, design professionals, construction and program managers, insurers and sureties
Mr. Holt is co-editor of Design Professional/Construction Manager Liability Law, Copyright ABA Press, January 2007; co-author of "Large, Complex Construction Disputes: The Dynamics of Multi-Party Mediation", Dispute Resolution Journal, Copyright 2007; author of "Whither Arbitration? What Can Be Done to Improve Arbitration and Keep Out Litigation's Ill-Affects?", The DePaul University Business & Commercial Law Journal, Spring 2009; co-author of AAA Handbook on Mediation, 2nd Edition, "Large, Complex Construction Disputes: The Dynamics of Multi-Member Mediation Teams", Juris Publishing, 2010 and; co-author of AAA Handbook on Mediation, 3rd Edition, "Large, Complex Construction Disputes: The Dynamics of Multi-Party Mediation", Juris Publishing, 2015.