Judith A. E. Gill Q.C.

Allen & Overy LLP
One Bishops Square
London E1 6AD
Assistant Solicitor, Allen & Overy LLP
Co-Chair of the Arbitration Committee of the IBA; Member of Board of Directors, LCIA; Chair, The International Arbitration Club; CIArb; IALS; ICC UK Arbitration Group; Vice-Chair of the International Commercial Dispute Resolution Committee of the ABA Section of International Law (ABA International); Director, SIAC; Director, AAA
American Arbitration Association; LCIA; SIAC
Over 60 international arbitrations as counsel, and over 15 as party appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman including arbitrations under the following rules: ICSID, ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, AAA, SIAC, DIS, LMAA, Federal Economic Chamber of Vienna, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and GAFTA
Russell on Arbitration, 21st, 22nd and 23rd Edition (co-author);Contributing author: “Enforcement of Arbitral Awards against Sovereigns” published by JurisNet LLC, July 2009; “Applications for the Early Disposition
of Claims” – published in ICCA Congress series No. 14 by Kluwer International 2009; “The Arbitrator’s Perspective: Cultural Differences in Procedural Preferences and Decision-Making”: in ICC Arbitration Today: Bridging the Cultural Gap in International Arbitration 2008; Contributing author: “Can a Party Benefiting from an Award Rendered Against a State Enforce the Award Against an Instrumentality of Such State? -English Law” in State Entities in International Arbitration, IAI Series on International Arbitration No. 4; “The Arbitrator's Role in Bringing About a Settlement” printed in ‘Best Practices in International Arbitration’ Conference published by the Swiss Arbitration Association, July 2006; Substantive Remedies in Investment Arbitration (Practising Law Institute publication “International Business Litigation and Arbitration 2005”; Inconsistent Decisions: An Issue to be Addressed or a Fact of Life? Transnational Dispute Management Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2005;“Contractual Claims and Bilateral Investment Treaties – A Comparative review of the SGS Cases” Journal of International Arbitration, October 2004.