Joseph A. McManus Jr.

1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW
Suite 400 West
Washington, D.C. 20007-5208
United States
Partner, McManus & Felsen;
General Counsel, Clark Enterprises Inc.;
Private practice in Atlanta, Georgia;
Captain, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals, U.S. Air Force;
International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution;
American College of Construction Lawyers;
American Bar Association;
Associated Builders and Contractors;
Construction Lawyers Society of America;
Litigation Counsel of America;
Society of Construction Law;
U.S. Veterans Association;
Washington Building Congress;
American Arbitration Association;
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators;
American Arbitration Association arbitrator for large, complex construction and commercial cases since 1978. Served as sole arbitrator on cases for office buildings, public facilities, numerous residential projects, schools, transmission towers, Maryland Intercounty Connector road and tunnel project, and national franchise agreement; served as panel chair on government contract dispute involving the Affordable Care Act. As Fellow of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, served as sole arbitrator on resort development construction case in the Bahamas. As an advocate, arbitrates private and governmental cases to award throughout the U.S. and internationally, including representing a U.S. design-build contractor in Afghanistan under a USAID contract and arbitrating a case for the general contractor against a resort developer to a $5 million arbitration award and through enforcement action in the Turks & Caicos.
· Innovations in Construction Arbitration, American Arbitration Association Presentation (2005) (Presenter)
· U.K. Court Holds AAA Rules Constitute a Governing Code: Decision Addresses “What is a Reasoned Award?”, Punch List: Construction Dispute Avoidance and Resolution, Vol. 25, No. 1 (May-July 2002) (Co-Author)