John Francis Uff

15 Essex Street
Outer Temple
London WC2 3AA
Barrister (1970–); Assistant Engineer with Consultants (1966–1970); Nash Professor of Engineering Law, Kings College, London (1992); Director, Centre of Construction Law and Project Management, Kings College (1987).
I.C.E. (Fellow, Council Member); Royal Academy of Engineering.
I.C.E.; R.I.B.A.; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; F.I.D.I.C.; LCIA numerous ICC Arbitrations.
Arbitrator, over 200 cases, re: disputes with Public Authorities, Government departments, contractors (1977– ); Arbitrations conducted in many countries including UK, France, Greece, U.S.A., Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa, Bahrain, Papua New Guinea; also conducted public inquiries into water supply and railways for which he was awarded a CBE in 2002.
Construction Law - 10th Edition John Uff CBE QC July 2009, Contributor, Keating on Construction Contracts - 4th to 8th Edition (2008), Joint author, Chapter on Construction Contracts in 28th to 30th Edition of Chitty on Contracts (2008), Construction Law, 10th Edition (2009), Principal author: Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rules (1998), 100 - day Arbitration Rules, Principal editor for a series of Construction Law publications, King's College London: Construction Contract Policy (1989), International and ICC Arbitration (1990), Legal Obligations in Construction (1992), Risk Management and Procurement in Construction (1995), Construction Law and the Environment (1997), New Horizons in Construction Law (1998), Joint author, Institution of Civil Engineers Arbitration Practice, Thomas Telford (1983).