Jeffrey M. Waincymer

45 Victoria Road North, Malvern
Melbourne 3144
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Melbourne High School 1971; BComm (Melb) 1976; LLM (Mon) 1977
Bar Admission or Professional License:
Law Institute Victoria 1978
Present Position:
Independent arbitrator; Legal practitioner; Professor, Monash University
Professional Experience:
Employee Solicitor 178-1982; Professor, Deakin University.
Professional Associations:
Panels of Arbitrators:
Government Nominee, Non-governmental WTO Dispute Settlement Panel List;
Australian Government Nominee ICSID panel 2005-2010.
Arbitration Experience:
7 appointments as sole arbitrator between 2011 and
present, involving joint venture; contract; import law; export embargoes; and
intellectual property. Arbitration Counsel, recent case successfully acting for
respondent in ICC oil exploration dispute with a Seat in Brazil.
Areas of Specialization:
Business Law
Foreign Investment & Joint Ventures
Investment Treaty
Import and Export Law
Publications from JURIS:
Optimising the Use of Mediation in International Arbitration: A
Cost-Benefit Analysis of “Two Hat” versus “Two People” Models, CiARB
Liber Amicorum, 2015 (in print); Regulatory Developments in the Control of
Counsel in International Arbitration The IBA Guidelines on Party
Representation in International Arbitration and the New LCIA Rules and Annex,
Arbitration International, 30:3 (2014); The Revised UNCITRAL Arbitration
Rules, Cambridge University Press with C Croft and C Kee, 2013; “Guerrilla
tactics in international arbitration” – in festschrift for Helmut Russman 2013;
‘Advocacy in International Arbitration’, presented at the Swiss Arbitration
Association conference, January 2010 (ASA Special Series 36, 2013);
Procedure and Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer Law
International, 2012 1300 pages, (also available on Kluwerarbitration homepage);
“Mediation by an International Arbitrator – ‘Appropriate’ or ‘Antithetical’
Dispute Resolution?”, in Arbitrators' Insights: Essays in Honour of Neil Kaplan,
eds Chiann Bao and Felix Lautenschlager, Thomson Reuters, Hong Kong, pp.
367-385. (2012); “International arbitration and the duty to know the law”
Journal of International Arbitration 28 no. 3 (2011): 201; ‘Reconciling
Conflicting Rights in International Arbitration: The Right to Choice of Counsel
and the Right to an Independent and Impartial Tribunal’, (2010) 26:4 Arbitration
International 597; ‘The New UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules’, Vindobona
Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 14:2:223-248, 2010;
Promoting Fairness and Efficiency of Procedures in International Commercial
Arbitration – Identifying a Uniform Model’, (2010) Vol 3:1 Contemporary Asia
Arbitration Journal, 25; ‘Multiple Claims in Arbitrations between the Same
Parties’ (with M Pryles), in International Council for Commercial Arbitration
Congress Series No. 14, 50 Years of the New York Convention, ICCA
International Arbitration Conference, eds Albert Jan van den Berg, Kluwer
Law, The Netherlands, pp. 437-499; ‘Sovereign Risk and Investment Protection’
(2009) 28:2 AMPLA LJ; ‘International Commercial Arbitration and the
Application of Mandatory Rules of Law’ in (2009) 5:1 Asian International
Arbitration Journal; ‘The CISG and International Commercial Arbitration:
Promoting a Complimentary Relationship between Substance and Procedure’ in
Ulrich Schroeter and Camilla Baasch Andersenn (eds), Sharing International
Commercial Law across National Boundaries: Festschrift for Albert H Kritzer
on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday, Wild, Simmons and Hill (2008), pp 582-
599; ‘Mandatory Laws and International Commercial Arbitration’ (2005) 6(2)
Melbourne Journal of International Law 1 (with A Barraclough); International
Trade Law: Commentary and Materials (2nd edn), Law Book Company, 2004
(with M Pryles and M Davies) (1214 pages); WTO Litigation: Procedural
Aspects of Formal Dispute Settlement, London, Cameron May, 2002 (780 pp
plus appendices); A Practical Guide to International Commercial Arbitration
(with R Garnett, H Gabriel and J Epstein), New York, Oceana, 2000, 216 pp.