Jean S. Rohart

15 Place du General Catroux
75017 Paris
Phone Number:
(33-1) 46-22-51-73
Fax Number:
(33-1) 47-66-06-37
C.E.S. 1966, Licence en droit 1967, Univ. of Lille; Diplôme d'etudes Superieures de droit Public 1968, Diplôme d’etudes Superieures d'Histoire du droit Public 1969, Univ. of Paris; Service Public, 1969, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris
Bar Admission or Professional License:
Admitted to Paris bar 1972
Present Position:
Senior Partner, Villeneau Rohart Simon & Associes
Professional Experience:
Partner, Villeneau Rohart Simon & Associates (1978- ); Lecturer in Maritime Law, Univ. of Paris X Nanterre (1972-1975); Secretaire de la Conference du Stage des Avocats à la cour de Paris (1973-1974)
Professional Associations:
Member, Paris Bar Association; IBA (Chairman, 1992-1995, Committee A); French Maritime Law Association (Treasurer, 1985- 1997, President, 1997- ); Comité Maritime International (Executive Councilor, 1994- )
Arbitration Experience:
Counsel in many arbitrations before the ICC and Chambre Arbitrale Maritime de Paris; Ad hoc arbitrations
Areas of Specialization:
Admiralty & Maritime
International Sale of Goods
International Trade
Publications from JURIS:
Contributor to Registration of Vessels (Kluwer 1983) and Arrest of Vessels (Kluwer, 1987); Several articles in the Revue du Droit Maritime Française and Journal de la Marine Marchande.