Jean-Georges Betto

betto seraglini Telephone:
41, avenue de Friedland Fax:
75008 Paris, France
Managing Partner, betto seraglini, 2012 – Present; Partner, Hogan Lovells (formerly Lovells), 2008-2012; Partner, Derains & Associés, 2004-2007; Associate, Gide Loyrette Nouel, Arbitration Department, 1995-2004; Legal Adviser, French Ministry of Defense, Inspectorate, 1994-1995; Associate, Shearman & Sterling, Arbitration Department, 1993 – 1994.
Chairman of the ‘fonds de dotation’ betto seraglini for International Justice; Chairmain of the think tank Cabinets de croissance; Former Chairman of the French Arbitration Committee task force on International Construction; Comité Français de l’arbitrage; International Academy for Arbitration Law; International Arbitration Institute; International Law Association French Branch; ICC Institute for International Business Law.
ICC, French national committee
As Counsel, numerous International and domestic arbitration proceedings, ad hoc (including UNCITRAL) and under the Rules of the ICC, French Arbitration Association (AFA), Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and AAA; Chairman and party-appointed arbitrator on several arbitration proceedings; Revision of a lump sum EPC contract in the Engineering & Construction sector (1.4 billion dollars, Qatari law, ICC Paris, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Defense sector (1,3 billion euros, French law, ICC Paris, English language); Termination of a cooperation agreement in the Defense sector (1,2 billion euros, French law, ICC Paris, French language); Breach of a Production Sharing Agreement in the oil and gas sector (1 billion dollars, Civil law, ICC Paris, French language); Breach of a joint-venture agreement in the Defense sector (180 million dollars, Swiss law, ICC Geneva, English language); Termination of an EPC contract in the Engineering & Construction sector (150 million euros, French law, ICC Lausanne, French language); Breach of a cooperation agreement in the Defense sector (105 million euros, French law, ICC Brussels, English language); Breach of an EPC subcontract in the Engineering & Construction sector (80 million euros, Abu Dhabi law, ICC Geneva, English language); Breach of a supply agreement in the Aeronautic sector (50 million euros, French law, ICC Paris, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Defense sector (40 million dollars, French law, ICC Paris, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Defense sector (40 million euros, Singapore law, ICC Paris, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Defense sector (40 million euros, English law, ICC London, English language); Delays and disruptions in the construction energy sector infrastructure (30 million euros, Algerian law, ICC Paris, French language); Termination of a commercial lease in the retail sector (19 million euros, Greek law, ICC Athens, English language); Breach of a management contract in the Hospitality sector (18 million euros, English law, ICC Geneva, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Aeronautic sector (15 million dollars, English law, ICC Geneva, English language); Breach of a management contract in the Hospitality sector (13 million euros, Tunisian law, ICC Tunis, French language); Breach of a commercial lease in the hospitality sector (12 million euros, OHADA law, ICC, seat in Paris, French language); Breach of an agency contract in the Defense sector (8 million dollars, French law, ICC Geneva, French language); Breach of a cooperation agreement in the Aeronautic sector (5 million dollars, Florida law, ICC Geneva, English language).
“Prorogation, estoppel et renonciation: variations sur le délai d’arbitrage en droit de l’arbitrage interne”, note following Civ. 1ère, 22 September 2010 and Paris, 1ère Ch. C., 19 November 2009, 2011 Rev. arb. 152 (with A. Reynaud); “Le nouveau règlement d’arbitrage de la CNUDCI”, Option Droit & Affaires, 8 December 2010 (with A. Job); “Validité de l’engagement d’une société à l’arbitrage”, note following Civ.1ère, 8 July 2009, Il Diritto Marittimo, I-2011 (with A. Job); “Affaire Inserm : le tribunal des conflits créé un nouveau régime pour le contentieux post-arbitral relatif aux contrats administratifs internationaux”, Option Droit & Affaires, 8 September 2010 (with A. Job); “Le tiers évaluateur : arbitre ou mandataire?,” note following Com. 16 February 2010, Option Droit & Affaires, 2 June 2010 (with A. Job); “Enfin la définition de l’estoppel en droit français,” Option Droit & Affaires, 1 April 2010 (with A. Job); “Le livre vert de la Commission européenne, une menace pour l’arbitrage en Europe?”, Option Droit & Affaires, 7 October 2009 (with Laurent Gouiffès); “Opinion dissidente et secret du délibéré arbitral”, note following Paris, 9 October 2008, Rev. arb. 2009, 352 (with A. Canivet); “Arbitration draws lessons from recent blows: ICC techniques on controlling times and costs”, Practical Law Company, Volume 2: arbitration, 2008-2009; “Pour la consécration de la notion de sentence arbitrale provisoire en droit français de l’arbitrage international”, III Cahiers de l’arbitrage 8 (2006); “Parties’ contribution to the arbitral award: submission of a synopsis of the award”, 2006 (1) Stockholm Int’l Arb. Rev. 65; “International Arbitration: New Trends”, 2006 Int’l Bus. L. J. 371 (with J. Fry, M. Henry, E. Kleiman, and P. Pinsolle); Contributor in Revue de l’arbitrage, numerous articles; Contributor and member of the Editorial board, Revue de droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Journal, numerous articles.