James J. Myers

Gadsby & Hannah LLP
225 Franklin Street
Boston, MA 02110
Partner, Gadsby & Hannah, Boston (1968- ); Visiting Lecturer, Georgetown/International Law Institute, Washington (1985- ); Member, U.S. Delegation to UNCITRAL on Procurement
AA; ABA: Commercial Arbitration Committee, Section on Business Law (Chairman); Public Contract Law Section; Boston Bar Assoc.; Board of Advisors, Bureau of National Affairs, Federal Contract Reports; IBA: International Construction Contracts Committee (Chairman); Director, American Arbitration Association; Member, Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Task Force
AAA; Chartered Inst. of Arbitrators, London; AAA, International Panel; Swiss Arbitration Association; Center for Public Resources (N.Y.); LCIA
Arbitration, numerous domestic construction and commercial proceedings, under auspices of AAA (past 20 years) and ICC (past 10 years); Arbitrator, six ICC proceedings, four AAA international proceedings (most of which served as Chairman)
Alternate Dispute Resolution in the U.S. Construction Industry (1995); A Survival Kit for Complex Construction Arbitration (1996); Worldwide Infrastructure Partnerships (1995); Resolving Disputes in worldwide
Infrastructure Projects (1995); Developing Methods for Resolving Disputes in worldwide Projects (1997); Negotiating and Drafting International Construction Projects (1996); International Construction Arbitration (1993); Approaching Global Construction, What You should Know (1998).