Jamal Seifi

73 Karimkhan-Zand Ave
Tehran 15856
Judge, Iranian Judiciary, 1979–1985; Lecturer in Law, University of Hull, UK, 1989–1991; Law Professor, Shahid Behesti (National) University of Iran, 1991– present; Visiting Professor of Law on Int‘l Commercial Arbitration, University of Hull, UK, 1999–2000; Practicing Attorney since 1992.
Iranian Bar, FCIArb, IBA, Governing Board of Foundation for Development of International Law in Asia, ASA, LCIA, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
ICC Iranian National Committee, ACIC, TRAC, CIETAC, LCIA, PCA
Arbitrator, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal on a continuous basis since 2009; Practice since 1992 as sole arbitrator, partyappointed arbitrator, counsel and expert in various institutional (mostly ICC) and ad hoc international arbitration cases, with seats in Zurich, Geneva, Vienna, Paris, Copenhagen, Tehran, Bahrain, Frankfort, London (many of them more than once or twice) and applying UNIDROIT Principles, international law, Austrian law, Spanish law, Swiss law, German law, Danish law and Iranian law. (Awards published in Y.B. Com. Arb. (1994); Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, Vol. 13#10, 1998 and Iran-U.S.C.T.R. homepage, www.iusct.nl). Also chairman, sole arbitrator and counsel in domestic arbitration cases.
- Iran Chapter, in World Arbitration Reporter (W.A.R.), 2012, USA
- Iran Chapter in Practitioners‘ Guide to Arbitration in the Middle East, Juris Publishers, Netherlands, 2009
- Iran Chapters in Gas Regulation and Oil Regulation, Vols. 2005 to 2010, UK
- The Legality of Truncated Arbitral Tribunals, J.Int.Arb. Vol. 17 (2000)
- State Responsibility for Failure to Enforce Iran-US Claims Tribunal Awards, J.Int. Arb, Vol. 16 (1999) The New International Commercial Arbitration Act of Iran, J.Int.Arb., Vol. 15 (2), NL 1998
- Procedural Remedies against Awards of Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Vol. 8 (1), Arbitration International, UK 1992